Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Charleston S.C.

Tuesday November 18-We are moving....Have 260 miles to make today so we started early. We had a little glitch with the bigfoot system when we were setting up, so wasn't sure if they would come all the way up. It did not so Jeff had to use the emergency retract and that worked fine. Traffic was great until we got close to Charleston. It always seems to be busy. We were making a return trip to the RV park Lake Aire. Our site was actually right next to the one we stayed last year...K8. They had lots of rain the day before we arrived and not much gravel in our site. When we pulled in we made some pretty good ruts. The good news was our bigfoot system worked fine. We finished setting up, this park offers full hook up with 50 amp. They have internet (kinda), cable, pool, for warmer temps and laundry facilities. Thought we would make a grocery run and stock up. Again the traffic. We made a point to call some friends we had met in Florida in previous years. Last year when we were here we forgot they lived here so not this time. We made plans to get together on Thursday.

Wednesday November 19- Brrrrrr we broke a record for cold temps last night. Since it was so cold decided to go to a movie. First found a craft store so I could get my supplies for my Christmas ornaments I make every year. We were running ahead of schedule and the theater was right next to a mall. Went in to get our lunch before the movie. The movie was St. Vincent with Bill Murray. It was really good. The theater was nice and clean and the popcorn...yum! When we got home Jeff made beans and ham for supper. I worked on my ornaments.

Thursday November 20- Another cold morning. I got started on the laundry while waiting for our friends to arrive. Our friends Norty and Lynda came and got us. We visited a bit and then headed to one of there favorite restaurants for lunch, The Tomato Shed Café. Its a neat little local spot....with lots of local recipes. They sell fresh vegies and seafood, crafts, and some of there soups and casseroles. Jeff really liked the she crab soup. Then they took us to the only American tea garden. We took a tour and saw how it works. Then we drove to see there home...nice... and they took us for a drive through the county park. We had wanted to stay there but was a bit nervous that we are too big. What a wonderful park. We will definitely use it if we come back to this area. They drove us back home and it was a wonderful time. A bonus on the way home I spotted the shrimp guy. Jeff had been excited about getting some more of those Super jumbo shrimp, that he got last year. The first couple times we drove by he wasn't there. Today he Jeff got in the truck to go get some.

Lynda and Norty Glover.


Friday November 21- It started off chilly again but warmed up fast. Jeff go busy working on that 5 pounds of shrimp. Then we headed downtown Charleston to the open market. On the way we stopped at Krispy Kreme doughnuts....Hot Now. After finding a place to park and putting in our quarters, you have a limit of an hour, we headed to the market. We had fun looking around. Made a few purchases, then made our way back to the truck. The traffic was crazy so we decided to get out of there. We made some stops at Michaels, JoAnns and Best Buy. Jeff found a crazy deal on a computer but of course they were sold out. I found some more stuff for my ornaments. When we got home we took the dogs for a walk and then made a special dinner of steak and fresh shrimp.

Saturday November 22-What a beautiful day. I told you about the great deal on the computer at Best Buy. Jeff came home and looked online to see if any other stores had the deal available. Well he found one at Summerville. Its about 30 miles away. He purchased it online so today we drove over to pick it up. While at the store we found some good deals on dvds. Since we are heading to the keys where we have zero TV we made the purchase. Of course where there's a Best Buy there's other places to shop. Looked around and had lunch there at Smash Burger. It was so good. When we got home Jeff cleaned out the inside of the truck. I did more laundry. I also worked a lot on my ornaments.
Sunday November 23- It started raining last night and its still raining like crazy. Stayed in all day cause it rained all day. I finished my ornaments. We watched movies. I made cookies and I finished the quilting the center section of my quilt. All I have to do is quilt the border and bind it. It was a long day but very productive for me. We hope the rain stops cause tomorrow we hit the road. Here we come Georgia.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know those shrimp were good, so glad you got some! We went to Duck Donuts this morning and thought of you two. Yum..
