Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Crooked River State Park

Monday November 24-Its moving day....and I didn't get any sleep last night. My little dachund seems to be under the weather. So we got an early start, on the road by 8 a.m. To make it better our other dog puked up this morning. I hope my day gets better...not the way I like to start my day. It was super wet outside from all the rain. Rain is still in the forecast so I guess I should be grateful there was a break in the weather. It was kind of foggy to start but that burned off. We traveled roughly 200 miles to Crooked River State Park. This was a return visit and we didn't have any reservations. Jeff checked online and there were spots available. We decided on site #57. Its big pull through. We have 50 amp service and a water hookup. We had cable available too. The laundry facilities were nice, only $.75 to wash and dry. Soffee seems to feel better so we took them for a walk.

Tuesday November 25-Another long night with Soffee, she was up all night and so was I. I know she has a tummy ache but she just isn't acting like herself. It suppose to rain today so we went to the store and put fuel in the truck. I wasn't gonna go cause I was afraid to leave the dog, but she started acting better.  When we got back Soffee was spunky so went for a walk before the rain started. I also took advantage of the laundry. We had leftovers and watched the rain roll in. Tomorrow we move on down south...Florida here we come.


Charleston S.C.

Tuesday November 18-We are moving....Have 260 miles to make today so we started early. We had a little glitch with the bigfoot system when we were setting up, so wasn't sure if they would come all the way up. It did not so Jeff had to use the emergency retract and that worked fine. Traffic was great until we got close to Charleston. It always seems to be busy. We were making a return trip to the RV park Lake Aire. Our site was actually right next to the one we stayed last year...K8. They had lots of rain the day before we arrived and not much gravel in our site. When we pulled in we made some pretty good ruts. The good news was our bigfoot system worked fine. We finished setting up, this park offers full hook up with 50 amp. They have internet (kinda), cable, pool, for warmer temps and laundry facilities. Thought we would make a grocery run and stock up. Again the traffic. We made a point to call some friends we had met in Florida in previous years. Last year when we were here we forgot they lived here so not this time. We made plans to get together on Thursday.

Wednesday November 19- Brrrrrr we broke a record for cold temps last night. Since it was so cold decided to go to a movie. First found a craft store so I could get my supplies for my Christmas ornaments I make every year. We were running ahead of schedule and the theater was right next to a mall. Went in to get our lunch before the movie. The movie was St. Vincent with Bill Murray. It was really good. The theater was nice and clean and the popcorn...yum! When we got home Jeff made beans and ham for supper. I worked on my ornaments.

Thursday November 20- Another cold morning. I got started on the laundry while waiting for our friends to arrive. Our friends Norty and Lynda came and got us. We visited a bit and then headed to one of there favorite restaurants for lunch, The Tomato Shed Café. Its a neat little local spot....with lots of local recipes. They sell fresh vegies and seafood, crafts, and some of there soups and casseroles. Jeff really liked the she crab soup. Then they took us to the only American tea garden. We took a tour and saw how it works. Then we drove to see there home...nice... and they took us for a drive through the county park. We had wanted to stay there but was a bit nervous that we are too big. What a wonderful park. We will definitely use it if we come back to this area. They drove us back home and it was a wonderful time. A bonus on the way home I spotted the shrimp guy. Jeff had been excited about getting some more of those Super jumbo shrimp, that he got last year. The first couple times we drove by he wasn't there. Today he Jeff got in the truck to go get some.

Lynda and Norty Glover.


Friday November 21- It started off chilly again but warmed up fast. Jeff go busy working on that 5 pounds of shrimp. Then we headed downtown Charleston to the open market. On the way we stopped at Krispy Kreme doughnuts....Hot Now. After finding a place to park and putting in our quarters, you have a limit of an hour, we headed to the market. We had fun looking around. Made a few purchases, then made our way back to the truck. The traffic was crazy so we decided to get out of there. We made some stops at Michaels, JoAnns and Best Buy. Jeff found a crazy deal on a computer but of course they were sold out. I found some more stuff for my ornaments. When we got home we took the dogs for a walk and then made a special dinner of steak and fresh shrimp.

Saturday November 22-What a beautiful day. I told you about the great deal on the computer at Best Buy. Jeff came home and looked online to see if any other stores had the deal available. Well he found one at Summerville. Its about 30 miles away. He purchased it online so today we drove over to pick it up. While at the store we found some good deals on dvds. Since we are heading to the keys where we have zero TV we made the purchase. Of course where there's a Best Buy there's other places to shop. Looked around and had lunch there at Smash Burger. It was so good. When we got home Jeff cleaned out the inside of the truck. I did more laundry. I also worked a lot on my ornaments.
Sunday November 23- It started raining last night and its still raining like crazy. Stayed in all day cause it rained all day. I finished my ornaments. We watched movies. I made cookies and I finished the quilting the center section of my quilt. All I have to do is quilt the border and bind it. It was a long day but very productive for me. We hope the rain stops cause tomorrow we hit the road. Here we come Georgia.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

2 Days at 4 Oaks

Sunday November 16-Not only is it moving day, its our youngest sons birthday.....Happy Birthday Justin. We packed up and was on the road around 9a.m. As we pulled out Ron, our new friend was out waving goodbye. Traffic wasn't bad, and the weather was cool and cloudy but no rain yet. We drove some on a state highway and I'm glad we did. We saw a bobcat crossing the road. Funny thing we have spent lots of time in parks looking for them and just like that its crossing the road. We pulled into Four Oaks RV Resort and its a bit sketchy. The park is located in Four Oaks, NC. We've never been here before but it was important for me to stop. I wanted to visit a friend from a former bible study, Kathleen. Haven't seen her in  years, and wanted to meet her 2 sons. After arriving and setting up I called her to see what she wanted to do. Since this place was so sketchy and the weather was turning rainy we decided to go over to her house. She and her husband lived about 35 miles away, in Garner N.C. We had a really nice visit. The weather was getting cold and it was getting dark so we headed back. The good thing about this RV park was it was right off the road. We had a full hookup, with 50 amp service. They provided internet and cable too.

Monday November 17-It was still chilly outside. We decided to go out for breakfast. We headed out to Bob Evans, but noticed the Waffle House and both decided that sounded good. After eating I noticed a outlet mall so we went to take a look. After a bit of shopping we headed back to the resort....HAHA. Jeff helped me work on the blog. We had leftovers for supper. I made cookies, and we went over our trip route for tomorrow. Next stop Hollywood, S.C.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Kitty Hawk/ Kill Devil Hills

Sunday November 9-We got on the road around 9:30. We had lots of pretty fall colors, I thought most of it was gonna be gone but we were pleasantly surprised. We went under a tunnel and over a bridge to Kitty Hawk we go. When we arrived Jeff was surprised by all the commercialism. So there was much more to offer. We pulled into OBX campground and our site #18. We had 50 amp service, water hook up, sewer, internet and digital cable. That made Jeff really happy. After we got set up, which was super easy. We went to the visitors center to see what we must see. The people that manned the center was super friendly and helpful in showing us what this area has to offer.

Monday November 10-It was really a nice day today, It was sunny with a blue sky. We decided to head to Jockey Ridge State Park. Its known for there sand dunes and constant breeze. Jeff had researched this area and one of his things to do was to hang glide off the sand dunes. We checked in at the hang gliding school. They had a couple in the class and so we wanted to hang around to see what kinda gliding you get to do.  While we were waiting we walked to the dunes and hiked on up. It was quite the trek up them giant hills. The pictures don't do them justice. There were lots of kite flying and the view was incredible. It wasn't too long before the hang gliders showed up. We sat and watched them awhile and we both decided it wasn't for us. They really keep you on a short leash, Jeff had a grander idea of what his hang gliding would be. The cost was $109.00 which included your training and 5 glides. While we were there we ate alot of sand and figured out with wind that sand goes everywhere.

Tuesday November 11- Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served to protect our country. It was a bit cloudy today so we started off the day with breakfast out. Everyone had put excellent reviews on this breakfast restaurant. The name of this place....Stack'em High. Really kinda different you grabbed a tray and went through a buffet style, you could pick up your beverages, fruit and dry cereal. Then at the end you places your order and they brought you your food. There was a really friendly atmosphere here. Our food was great and the place was interesting to say the lease. After this we drove to the Wright Brothers Memorial. To honor the veterans they had free admission today. I think the normal fee is $4.00 a piece. First we went through the visitor center and got caught up on just what 2 accomplished. It was really interesting even to me. They even had full scale reproductions of the 1902 glider and 1903 flying machine. The pavilion has films, education programs and exhibits. It was very interesting. We also visited the gift shop...really a good one. Then we headed outside to walk up to the memorial. Thats when the rain started. We looked at the flight markers and the reconstructed Hangar and Quarters workshop. We got back in the truck and drove up to the actual memorial. Its located on the hill that they took the glider off for the first time. The rain was coming down pretty good so I was happy to have an umbrella. A wonderful day inspite of the weather.

Wednesday November 12-Well today was suppose to be the pick day, but that weather man was completely wrong. It was super foggy. It was suppose to lift by noon....wrong again. We got tired of waiting for the weather to change so we set out. First stop Duck Doughnuts...they customize your cake doughnut order. So you order then, they make your doughnuts...they were amazing. Then we headed down to check out Bodie Island Lighthouse. Its located on NC 12 a few miles south of the entrance to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. It was closed so we could only enjoy it from the outside, but we both thought it was worth the trip. On the way home we stopped for lunch at a little bar/restaurant called Fish Heads. It was right on the ocean but since it was still super foggy we couldn't see the water but we could hear it. As we were pulling into the campground the fog started to lift and the sun came out for about 20 minutes then clouded back up. I have never seen fog linger for so long.

Thursday November 13-Today was a stay at home day. We have been so busy being tourists that I decided I needed to get some cleaning done. I started on the refrigerator. Jeff was outside when a lady walked by and stopped to visit. We ended up talking to her for quite awhile. It was kinda nice just hanging around here today.

Friday November 14-Brrrrrr its really cold and windy today but we weren't gonna let that stop us. We got in the truck and made our way up NC 12 to Currituck Beach Lighthouse. This one was open and you could walk up the steps. The admission was $8.00. We stopped at  the visitor center to see about driving on the beach and seeing the wild horses. The conditions weren't favorable for this today so maybe next time. We were both glad that we went to the lighthouse, the inside of it was really neat. The views from the top were breathtaking. It was a little breezy up there but we stayed long enough to get pictures and memories.When we got home our refrigerator was beeping. Our surge protector was showing high voltage. After a bit that was fixed.

Saturday November 15-Today all we had planned to do was go out for lunch. Both Jeff and I felt like a steak so we saw that they have an Outback close so that is where we went.  We filled up the truck for a travel day tomorrow. Remember that lady I said we met, well we made plans to get together for a drink and visit. They, Cynthia and Ronnie came to our place first then we went to look at there motorhome. We had a great time visiting and learning about places they have enjoyed. We also plan to get together in February when we will both be in Florida. Next stop we have to make is to see a special old/young friend. Four Oaks here we come.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Williamsburg, Virginia...

Sunday November 2-We got on the road about 9:30, the traffic was light but unknown territory for us. We had to watch close. The scenery on our drive was pretty. I thought a lot of the fall colors were gone but not true. We pulled in Advil Campground in Williamsburg Virginia. Never been here before and Jeff does a lot of research so we knew that there was train tracks running parallel to the campground. We picked a spot farthest from the tracks. The first time a train went by we definitely noticed, but after a day or so not a big deal. We backed up into our spot #50, had a little problem this time lining up the sewer and water with the slides. Got it done, then Jeff was hooking up the cable and our cable hook up wouldn't work so with permission we used the hook up on the other side. We have 50 amp, water, sewer, cable and internet. This campground has been in their family for 3 generations. It is very well taken care of and clean. The people running it are super friendly and helpful.
Driving to Williamsburg.....

Monday November 3-Happy Birthday Jeff...When we got up it was really cool outside and rainy. We made a trip into town to get a few groceries. While out we drove into Williamsburg to check it out. Since the weather was so crappy we decided to take in a movie. Jeff found one really close and unique. It was called Movie Tavern. They offered a $6.75 matinee. Jeff picked the Movie The Fury. The theater offers food, alcohol, and snacks delivered to you. The theater itself was unique as well. Instead of theater seating you each had a leather rocking desk chair. In front of you there was a  table to put your snacks and beverages, with low lighting. The movie was good a bit intense for me, the popcorn was really good. We went back to the campground and made some chili for supper. 

Tuesday November 4- Boy what a difference a day makes. Its really nice outside today. Jeff took advantage of that and changed the oil in the truck. He was pleased because usually he makes a big mess, but not went well. We then decided to go into Williamsburg and actually walk around and explore. First we went to the visitor center and then we walked in towards Revolution City. It was a pretty day to be walking around and there was a path you could follow. We saw the governors mansion, a very old but still active church. It was neat walking back in time and seeing all these old buildings. We just walked around but they do offer lots of options. On the way back we stopped at Five Guys for lunch.  
Visitor Center

Wednesday November 5- A big day today for Jeff. We are heading to Newport News and The Mariners Museum. To start the day off they had a smashed penny machine so that excited me. One of the main reasons Jeff wanted to come here was they have a USS Monitor Center. The Monitor has been called the most famous ship in American history using iron plates for a protective barrier and the worlds first rotating gun turret. The ship fought a four hour battle with the Confederate ironclad the CSS Virginia at the  battle of Hampton Roads. The Monitor later sank in a storm off Cape Hatteras. She was later found upside down in 200+ ft of water in the 1970s. Efforts to date have recovered the propeller,engine,rotating gun turret,guns and many small artifacts. They also had lots of other exhibits to enjoy. They had one room dedicated to miniature ships, boy the detail on them was crazy. I also enjoyed the international small craft center, lots of unique boats to look at. Somehow we managed to include a 3D movie in our admission. Both Jeff and I could  have excluded that. That was the only thing we didnt care for. This was a first class operation with volunteers there to help and answer all questions. Our tickets were $18.00 each and that included a movie.


Thursday November 6-It was rainy today so Jeff decided to make some phone calls. First he called about the tire pressure sensors and they were very good to talk to. They think we got a bad batch so are gonna send us out some replacements. Then to Verizon, boy what a mess this has been. We think we have something figured out but we'll see. Did some laundry. Then we decided to go out to a nice restaurant for lunch. Jeff had read about this place so we decided to celebrate Jeffs birthday and mine thats coming up. The restaurant was called Opus 9. We had our big meal for lunch. Both of us wanted steaks so we both ordered the filet. When they bring your meat out they ask you to cut into your steak to see if its cooked to your liking. Mine was too raw for me so they took it back, when it came out for the 2nd time 2 guys brought it out. It was worth the wait it was very good. I even ordered dessert, creme brulee. It was delious......We stopped at the outlet mall but it wouldnt quit raining so we headed home.

Friday November 7-Its very sunny today with a chill in the air. We decided to drive to Yorktown via The Colonial Parkway. Its a real pretty drive thats for sure.The road is made of rocks with no lines painted on it. First we visited the Yorktown Victory Monument, which marks the site where Lord Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington bringing an end to the last major battle of the American Revolutionary War. Next we drove down Main street, found a place to park and hit the streets. Lots of interesting spots to look at. We walked down on the riverfront. Since its late in the season lots of the shops were closed. When we got down to the riverfront we noticed the huge bridge opening up. It has a swing span. We were just talking about how high the bridge was but aparently not high enough for a battleship. We watched as the bridge opened and the boat made its way out to sea. Glad we got to see that. We got back in the car and back on the Colonial Parkway to make our way over to Jamestown. Again we went to the visitors center, It was huge and packed with people. We couldnt believe how big and how busy. It was gonna be a 3 hour thing so we decided we'd skip it.

Yorktown Victory Monument
George P. Coleman Memorial Bridge
Jamestown Visitor Center  

Saturday November 8- Today was a stay at home day. I just stayed in and worked on a quilt, Jeff went to another movie, Interstellar. He said it was different. We called our next campground to make sure there was availability. Then we planned the route to make sure I knew where we were heading.... Kitty Hawk here we come.