Monday July 20- We had to do our cleaning super fast this morning. We have a delivery scheduled to come between 7-1. Well they didn't come to early, so while we waited we put together some of our outdoor furniture we purchased. I also took the new kitchen light out of the box to see if it was what we thought. I love it. We will put it up later. Our delivery showed up. They brought 3 tv's and a sound bar. Then our second delivery showed up with the entertainment center. That thing is heavy with lots of parts. We started putting it together, we almost got it all together. I also made a phone call about changing my IRA. This to will take some time to get completed.
Tuesday July 21- After cleaning today Jeff went to town to finish putting together our entertainment center. I stayed home and did some cleaning. I also got the clippers out to give Belle a haircut. While I was grooming her I noticed she had a big lump on the left side of her throat. She has had fatty lumps before but this felt different. When Jeff got home I showed him the lump. We are going to be calling the vet.
Wednesday July 22- Again we went in to the new place after finishing our duties. I helped Jeff get the TV up on the wall in the living room. I also got a few things hung up in the kitchen.
We took the long way home to the park making a few stops. I wanted to go to Seth's to see how to operate there TV because I am dog sitting for them this weekend.
Thursday July 23- After cleaning today Jeff took me over to Seth and Katie's to watch the dogs. I brought my laundry and my clothes, I will be here the whole weekend. I started on our laundry and did some cleaning. I haven't been over for awhile so I thought I would just get my job done here day 1. I also got a hold of my investment place to close my account and send a check. It has to go to South Dakota first then they can forward it to us. Oh the hoops we must jump through.
Friday July 24- Woke up early this morning. Sleeping a different place and bed with 2 dogs. I did some more cleaning and watching Netflix. I started feeling dizzy again around 1 o'clock so I took another dizzy pill and laid down. It worked this time I felt a bit better. Justin brought Maddyn over for me to watch while they golfed. Jeff brought over some stuff for supper. He went back to the rig and Maddyn and I watched Disney movies.

Saturday July 25- It's Seth's birthday today. So here are a few pictures of him enjoying life. I felt pretty good today, almost normal. I met Jeff over at the new place to help him unload his new Weber grill. He got a good deal on it. He went to the grocery store and bought a new grill...who would have thunked it. We also had Lowe's come with a delivery. They brought over the dryer and a couple end tables. One of the tables was broken so they took it back and promised another would be coming. The afternoon consisted of lots of running. Went to Walmart and Target. Jeff went to the camper and I went back to Seth's. More tv tonight. Oh I did call Seth to sing him Happy Birthday, couldn't rob him of that joy.
Sunday July 26- This morning I got up and went to Aldi's. I had an idea of what I could do to surprise Seth when he got home. They don't want anything for there birthday's so I thought I would cut up some cantaloupe and watermelon. I was also going to make him some sugar cookies, he loves them. In the middle of the day I started getting really dizzy. I took another pill and laid down. I wasn't able to get up until after 5 o'clock. Justin came over and let the dogs out for me. The good news about this attack I didn't get sick to my stomach.
Monday July 27- Slept pretty good last night. When I got up I felt a whole lot better. I had to get Seth's cookies made today. Seth and the family took off this morning to head home. I did more laundry and finished cleaning up the kid's rooms. Then I met Jeff over at the new place, he mowed and did the weed eating. Then we put up the new kitchen light. I likey a lot! Jeff took me over to Seth's to get my stuff and I headed back to the campground. Seth and Katie would be home in a couple hours so we left before they arrived.
Tuesday July 28- I cleaned early because Belle had her appointment at the vet. She was going to get her shots and that lump looked out. With this virus thing you can't go in the office. You give them a call when you arrive and they come out to get the dog. They did a test on that lump in the office and ruled out that it was some kind of infection. Now they will send it off to be looked at further. I sure don't have a good feeling about this. We will probably hear something by Monday.
Wednesday July 29- After the shower house I got busy cleaning inside. Jeff washed the rig. He found a couple things that need to be fixed. It is really getting hot out there. This afternoon made a couple calls to see about a storage spot for our luck.
Thursday July 30- This morning we headed back in to town. First we went to Fairfax to see about some storage units. Then over to Justin's to get stuff that he has been storing for us all these years. I had more stuff than I thought. I still have 2 more tubs to get tomorrow. Brought the stuff to unload. It was getting close to lunch so we went to get some stuff for sandwiches at the store. Ran to Menard's to get some stuff. We got back to the place and put some things on the wall and unloaded some others. Then we went back to the campground to check on our girls. We got a call from Slumberland saying that there is going to be a bit more of a delay on our furniture. Oh boy...
Friday July 31- Today our washer arrives so back over to the new place we go. I loaded up stuff to take over. The poor little spark (our car) was full up. When I arrived I unloaded the stuff in the car. Then I went to Justin's to get the 2 tubs I left yesterday. I came back and started to find places to put all that stuff. Jeff got busy putting together our new sleep number bed. As I was finishing up with unloading the tubs I started getting dizzy. I grabbed another pill and went to lay down. I thought I was going to be ok but that was not the case. I had to holler at Jeff to help me crawl to the bathroom. I was sick for hours. I couldn't leave the bathroom for quite a while. Then I crawled back to lay down. I couldn't even get up until 2 o'clock. This was a bad one. I felt like crap the rest of the night.
Saturday August 1- We have 1 more full month left here at the park. We did run some errands but I took it really easy, still not feeling 100%. It cooled off, it was really a nice day so I spent some time outside enjoying the day. One high point was hockey was on. The blackhawks played and got the win.
Sunday August 2- Well last night at 9 o'clock I started feeling dizzy again so I went to bed early. I didn't sleep all that good. I didn't get sick though. When I got up I still felt a little dizzy, not to were I was sick just kind of in a funk. I laid around in the recliner dozing off. Jeff came out and noticed one of the dogs chewed a hole in the carpet. It was really strange because neither of them have done that before. I think it was Belle. I think by bedtime I felt a little more like myself. This meniere's disease stuff is really getting me down. You just can't prepare yourself for what's to come. Well until next time......
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