Happy Birthday Miss Ruby |
Tuesday July 7- Woke up felling better and I took advantage. After cleaning the shower houses I came back and did some cleaning here. Then I started our laundry. It is really warm out there. While I was hanging out my clothes Jan came by with Mickey and we visited. Jeff went to Center Point to get some hamburger at there store. They have the best burger. Since it got really warm I came inside in the afternoon. I got back on quilting the frame. I thought I was finished but after looking I felt like it needed a bit more to call it complete. I finished 1/2 of it today. Save the rest for another day.
Wednesday July 8- I felt good enough to go to Seth and Katie's to clean. While there I took advantage of there big washer. I washed my sheets and towels. I got the cleaning all done and before heading back I stopped at the store. When I got back I filled up my feeders and then retreated inside. It is smoking hot out there. We got a phone call from Clint today, we will be closing on our new place on Monday. Since it was so hot outside I went ahead and finished marking and quilting the other 2 sides. After the quilting was done I put the label on the back. It is all ready for Christmas.
Thursday July 9- It is another scorcher out there today. After cleaning we came home and made breakfast. We headed to town, first stop Best Buy to pick up our new vacuum. Jeff went there, he dropped me off at Bed Bath and Beyond. I got my pans, a coffee maker and some other things for the kitchen. Next stop was Home Depot, found a lamp for the bedroom. When we got home Jeff ordered the rest of the stuff we needed, well almost. We still need to get a mattress and a entertainment center. We got home and watched the rain roll in. Since we do live in a trailer we are always watching the weather. Today we got a BIG surprise. It had to be straight line winds. We had no warning. My phone nor the weather radio did anything. I mean it was scarey. I grabbed the dogs and tucked in behind the counter with quilts on our heads. The good thing is it didn't last long. When we looked outside we saw what the wind caught. It moved our picnic table which weighs a ton. It also blew the kayaks around. My swing chair was blown off the spring and it was clear across the park on the edge of the trees. I did get some pictures after it calmed down.
I don't think we have ever experienced winds like that before. We just had rain on and off the rest of the day.
Friday July 10- We cleaned this morning but I was extra happy because today Wanda is suppose to be here today. Thinking this is the last time to do double duty. After we fixed breakfast and cleaned up. We are going on a road trip today to Burlington Iowa. We have skin doctor appointments today. We left early so we could make a few stops. Jeff wanted to try and find a blue ray player. It is hard to find them right now. He got the last one at Target in Cedar Rapids. Then he got the last one in Burlington at there Target. Success!! We arrived at our doctor appointments and both of us had good reports. We came on home. It was a long day on the road but we did get some things accomplished. We fixed some supper. I rode the bike up to the 2nd loop to see if Wanda got here. She did. We welcomed her and then came back home. We waited for Judy to arrive. This weekend Judy is staying with us. When she arrived we sat outside and did some visiting. She hasn't been up here to stay this year with all that is going on. Needless to say it was a late night of catching up.
Saturday July 11- An interesting day. Again it's hot. After cleaning and eating, Jeff, Judy, Jan and Jerry went for a walk. I got stuff ready for supper. With this ear thing I didn't want to get hot and I'm afraid something will happen. All the sudden I looked up at the sky and it looked really dark. I hoped they were watching the weather. They got back before anything happened. We looked at the radar and after that wind on Thursday, we are being extra careful. We grabbed the dogs and headed to the shower house. It didn't do much but the power did go off for a bit. It cleared up. Then Judy and I went to town. First she wanted to go to Sam's. Then across town to pick up my prescriptions, and finally to show her our new place. Just 2 crazy girls masked and ready to go.
We came home and sat outside a while. Then we fixed a yummy supper. We ate inside because it's so hot out there. We cleaned up the mess and watched as another storm rolled in. This time the sirens went off so off to the shower houses again. This time it was raining and we got some pretty good wind along with it. We had quite a crowd at the shower house this time. We waited for the storm to pass. While watching the radar. When it looked all clear we headed back home. I hope that's all the excitement we have all evening. We watched a movie and went to bed at an earlier time tonight.
Sunday July 12- We got up and went to town. I needed to go to Walmart and get a couple tubs so I can start sorting through things here. It is going to be a process what stays and what goes. We went early to avoid the people. We did just that. We got what I needed and came back home. Wearing those masks sure takes the joy out of shopping. Somehow those darn things make it so I can't breathe, see or hear. We got back and sat outside a bit. Jan and Jerry came over. Judy, Jan and I went for a walk so Judy could get some pictures for a gal she works with. Judy keeps telling her how nice the park is so she might want to come and camp. Judy took off for home. I went to work loading up those new tubs. We also watched as our friends Phil and Teresa pull in. We met them in Florida at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. They are from the St. Louis area so they drove up to visit the park for a few days. We asked them if they wanted to order a pizza but they needed to make a store run. We will catch up tomorrow.
Monday July 13- Big day today....we are going to become homeowners again. Went to clean the shower house first thing and I notice Phil outside messing with his RV. He is having water pump issues so I went to get Jeff to help. Well they tried everything and couldn't get it going. Lucky for them they are close enough to a water pump that they can hook up. Since it is during the week they can leave it on. So that kind of saved the day. They were considering heading home. Our appointment was at 10 a.m. First we had to sign papers and write a check. After we did all the paperwork we went to the home and did a walk through. We showed Clint anything we had concerns with and he will make sure they are taken care of. We drove the truck over because we were using it to house all the stuff we had purchased so far. We unloaded everything. We headed back out to the park. We saw Phil and Teresa out so we visited with them for a while. We came back and loaded up the truck again with stuff that we can move in.
Tuesday July 14- Seth brought Hailey out today. She will be spending the night tonight. First we fixed breakfast. Then we went to town to pick up some plywood for the bed. Then we took it over to the house and dropped them and the other stuff off. We got to show Hailey the new place. She seemed to like it too. We came back home and hung around here. We made lunch and the next thing I know Hailey is asleep on the couch. She took a pretty good nap. When she got up she helped me make supper. She got to pick what we were having. Everything turned out really good. We finished up the night watching some T.V.
Wednesday July 15- We got up and saw that the mowers were out. We moved all the stuff so they could mow our spot. We found this baby snake under a board. Hailey was super excited about finding it. Jeff and her hoisted it into a bowl so they could move it to the woods. They didn't want it to get caught in the mower.

I went to town this morning. I had doctor appointments. Then before heading home I made a stop at Hobby Lobby. Found some stuff for the house. I got home and made lunch for Hailey. Then we went back to the new place to drop off more stuff. Before going back we went to Lowe's so Jeff could get a weed eater. I went to Walmart to get a few things on my list. Then we came back home. Tonight Phil, Jeff and Justin were going to have a jam session. I told Justin I would watch Maddyn. Well just as soon as they drove up it hit me. I got super dizzy. I tried to take a dizzy pill but to late. I tried my best to ignore it but couldn't. I had to go to bed. I spent the rest of the night in bed. I felt horrible. Jan and Jerry came over to listen too. That's the 3rd spell this month. When will it end?
Thursday July 16- I woke up feeling a lot better. Not 100% but I was upright and happy to be there. It was super foggy this morning. I was suppose to clean at Seth's today but decided against it. I called to tell him and he insisted I stay home and rest. I went through more stuff here. We said our good byes to Jan and Jerry. We made plans to have Phil and Teresa for supper before they take off tomorrow. I made stuff up ahead of time just in case I got dizzy again they would have something to eat. Jeff even gave a call to Lenny. He loves to play guitars so tonight I got to participate. First we had supper and did some visiting. Then we had supper.
Everyone went and got there guitars and Lenny showed up. We had some live music. Everyone had fun.
Friday July 17- Today we said good bye to Phil and Teresa. It was nice to see them and visit. It is real nice to get some company with all that is going on in the world. We stay to ourselves quite a bit. We hung around here this morning. Jeff noticed that the bathroom sink was draining really slow. We just cleaned out the trap so we knew it wasn't that. Jeff had a mission to get that thing unclogged. He worked on it most of the morning. No luck yet. I went to town for a bit. Sales at Hobby Lobby. Then I went to the store and got a few things before heading home. When I got home felt a bit weird so I took another dizzy pill. I take a dizzy pill every morning,(motion sickness pill) but on some days I have started taking 2.
Saturday July 18- We cleaned, changed clothes and headed to Menard's. They open early so we left early. On the way in we recieved a call from Mike Maerz, a friend of Jeff's. He worked with him. They are heading up our way and wanted to get together. We said sure. We decided we would go to Menard's get our stuff and go back to visit. We would skip going to the new place. Well we arrived and I got my list out and so did Jeff. We divided to get the stuff we needed. I started feeling funny. I found Jeff and dropped the cart off with him and I went to the car. I'm getting more dizzy by the minute. I tried taking another pill and sat in the car with my eyes closed. Jeff got back and took me home. By the time we got home Jeff had to help me in the car because my walking was a bit sketchy. I got to bed and stayed there. Jeff had to call and cancel the visit. I was in bed until 1 o'clock. Then I felt good enough to make it to the recliner and stayed there the rest of the evening. When I got up I still felt dizzy some. That makes 4 this month.......
Sunday July 19- Woke up feeling much better. I got my cleaning done. I came back and was sitting outside drinking coffee. Jeff said he wanted to go over and mow today. We also put together the swing we got for the deck. I told him I would go but didn't feel 100%. I brought what I needed just in case I got dizzy. We got the swing together. one end table and a table for outside. Jeff got the grass mowed. Justin, Molly and Maddyn came by to check out the place. We got home for a late lunch. We had quite the empty park. Before long the walk in sites were full again. We spent a quiet evening here eating leftovers and calling it a day. That's all I got for now, so until next time......
Saturday July 11- An interesting day. Again it's hot. After cleaning and eating, Jeff, Judy, Jan and Jerry went for a walk. I got stuff ready for supper. With this ear thing I didn't want to get hot and I'm afraid something will happen. All the sudden I looked up at the sky and it looked really dark. I hoped they were watching the weather. They got back before anything happened. We looked at the radar and after that wind on Thursday, we are being extra careful. We grabbed the dogs and headed to the shower house. It didn't do much but the power did go off for a bit. It cleared up. Then Judy and I went to town. First she wanted to go to Sam's. Then across town to pick up my prescriptions, and finally to show her our new place. Just 2 crazy girls masked and ready to go.
We came home and sat outside a while. Then we fixed a yummy supper. We ate inside because it's so hot out there. We cleaned up the mess and watched as another storm rolled in. This time the sirens went off so off to the shower houses again. This time it was raining and we got some pretty good wind along with it. We had quite a crowd at the shower house this time. We waited for the storm to pass. While watching the radar. When it looked all clear we headed back home. I hope that's all the excitement we have all evening. We watched a movie and went to bed at an earlier time tonight.
Sunday July 12- We got up and went to town. I needed to go to Walmart and get a couple tubs so I can start sorting through things here. It is going to be a process what stays and what goes. We went early to avoid the people. We did just that. We got what I needed and came back home. Wearing those masks sure takes the joy out of shopping. Somehow those darn things make it so I can't breathe, see or hear. We got back and sat outside a bit. Jan and Jerry came over. Judy, Jan and I went for a walk so Judy could get some pictures for a gal she works with. Judy keeps telling her how nice the park is so she might want to come and camp. Judy took off for home. I went to work loading up those new tubs. We also watched as our friends Phil and Teresa pull in. We met them in Florida at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. They are from the St. Louis area so they drove up to visit the park for a few days. We asked them if they wanted to order a pizza but they needed to make a store run. We will catch up tomorrow.
Monday July 13- Big day today....we are going to become homeowners again. Went to clean the shower house first thing and I notice Phil outside messing with his RV. He is having water pump issues so I went to get Jeff to help. Well they tried everything and couldn't get it going. Lucky for them they are close enough to a water pump that they can hook up. Since it is during the week they can leave it on. So that kind of saved the day. They were considering heading home. Our appointment was at 10 a.m. First we had to sign papers and write a check. After we did all the paperwork we went to the home and did a walk through. We showed Clint anything we had concerns with and he will make sure they are taken care of. We drove the truck over because we were using it to house all the stuff we had purchased so far. We unloaded everything. We headed back out to the park. We saw Phil and Teresa out so we visited with them for a while. We came back and loaded up the truck again with stuff that we can move in.
Home Sweet Home |
Wednesday July 15- We got up and saw that the mowers were out. We moved all the stuff so they could mow our spot. We found this baby snake under a board. Hailey was super excited about finding it. Jeff and her hoisted it into a bowl so they could move it to the woods. They didn't want it to get caught in the mower.
I went to town this morning. I had doctor appointments. Then before heading home I made a stop at Hobby Lobby. Found some stuff for the house. I got home and made lunch for Hailey. Then we went back to the new place to drop off more stuff. Before going back we went to Lowe's so Jeff could get a weed eater. I went to Walmart to get a few things on my list. Then we came back home. Tonight Phil, Jeff and Justin were going to have a jam session. I told Justin I would watch Maddyn. Well just as soon as they drove up it hit me. I got super dizzy. I tried to take a dizzy pill but to late. I tried my best to ignore it but couldn't. I had to go to bed. I spent the rest of the night in bed. I felt horrible. Jan and Jerry came over to listen too. That's the 3rd spell this month. When will it end?
Thursday July 16- I woke up feeling a lot better. Not 100% but I was upright and happy to be there. It was super foggy this morning. I was suppose to clean at Seth's today but decided against it. I called to tell him and he insisted I stay home and rest. I went through more stuff here. We said our good byes to Jan and Jerry. We made plans to have Phil and Teresa for supper before they take off tomorrow. I made stuff up ahead of time just in case I got dizzy again they would have something to eat. Jeff even gave a call to Lenny. He loves to play guitars so tonight I got to participate. First we had supper and did some visiting. Then we had supper.
Everyone went and got there guitars and Lenny showed up. We had some live music. Everyone had fun.
Friday July 17- Today we said good bye to Phil and Teresa. It was nice to see them and visit. It is real nice to get some company with all that is going on in the world. We stay to ourselves quite a bit. We hung around here this morning. Jeff noticed that the bathroom sink was draining really slow. We just cleaned out the trap so we knew it wasn't that. Jeff had a mission to get that thing unclogged. He worked on it most of the morning. No luck yet. I went to town for a bit. Sales at Hobby Lobby. Then I went to the store and got a few things before heading home. When I got home felt a bit weird so I took another dizzy pill. I take a dizzy pill every morning,(motion sickness pill) but on some days I have started taking 2.
Saturday July 18- We cleaned, changed clothes and headed to Menard's. They open early so we left early. On the way in we recieved a call from Mike Maerz, a friend of Jeff's. He worked with him. They are heading up our way and wanted to get together. We said sure. We decided we would go to Menard's get our stuff and go back to visit. We would skip going to the new place. Well we arrived and I got my list out and so did Jeff. We divided to get the stuff we needed. I started feeling funny. I found Jeff and dropped the cart off with him and I went to the car. I'm getting more dizzy by the minute. I tried taking another pill and sat in the car with my eyes closed. Jeff got back and took me home. By the time we got home Jeff had to help me in the car because my walking was a bit sketchy. I got to bed and stayed there. Jeff had to call and cancel the visit. I was in bed until 1 o'clock. Then I felt good enough to make it to the recliner and stayed there the rest of the evening. When I got up I still felt dizzy some. That makes 4 this month.......
Sunday July 19- Woke up feeling much better. I got my cleaning done. I came back and was sitting outside drinking coffee. Jeff said he wanted to go over and mow today. We also put together the swing we got for the deck. I told him I would go but didn't feel 100%. I brought what I needed just in case I got dizzy. We got the swing together. one end table and a table for outside. Jeff got the grass mowed. Justin, Molly and Maddyn came by to check out the place. We got home for a late lunch. We had quite the empty park. Before long the walk in sites were full again. We spent a quiet evening here eating leftovers and calling it a day. That's all I got for now, so until next time......
We tried to get pregnant for a few years in a local clinic. There were no results. We've tried everything possible but nothing. We were recommended to use eggs. I know we have to go abroad. I was terrified. I didn't know where to go and where to begin my search. When my friend recommended Dr Itua to me from western Africa I thought she was joking. I knew nothing about that country but I well know they have powerful gifts on herbal medicines and I was afraid because of the language barrier. Anyway she convinced me to give a try. She told me that Dr Itua can also cure my prostate cancer which gives me more motivation to give a try to Dr Itua herbal center medicines. I've done the research and thought that maybe this really is a good idea. Dr Itua has reasonable prices which I ordered two four bottles and I drank it as instructed and everything went well. My prostate cancer is gone. Also it has high rates of successful treatments. Plus it uses natural herbs. Well I should say I was convinced. We contacted Dr Itua and now we can say it was the best decision in our lives. We were trying for so long to have a child and suddenly it all looked so simple. Dr Itua was so confident and hopeful he projected those feelings on me too. I am so happy to be a mother and eternally thankful to Dr Itua herbal Cure . Don’t be afraid and just do it!
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