Saturday April 19, Ashton ordered waffles for breakfast. I made cupcakes because I promised Hailey we could frost and decorate some. Headed back to Seth's, all of us were going to lunch. It was a new place for us, Emil's Hideaway. Every body's lunch was really good and the prices were good too. Back to frost cupcakes. Went to Justin's to watch the Chicago Blackhawks play. They've started the playoffs and they're playing St Louis Blues. It was a very good game but ended with the wrong results. Back to Seth & Katies to have our Easter egg hunt. That's always a good time. I give each kid a colored bucket with all the same colored eggs. It works well cause everyone gets to find there own eggs. Ashton has a green bucket, green eggs. Hailey our princess has a pink bucket, pink eggs. It was a fun time for sure. When we left to go home we had a couple extra passengers. So the rest of our night was busy, fun but busy.
Sunday April 20, Happy Easter!!!! 2 little blessings to start our day, Ashton & Hailey!! We had Easter baskets for the kids with a few surprises in them. We hid them outside and watched them hunt for them. They left early cause they had to go to there Nanas for lunch. We went to lunch with our other son, Justin. Went to The Road House, it was really good this time. Justin had things to do and we wanted to go to a movie. Went and saw Heaven is for Real. I had read the book, the movie was good but the book was better. The popcorn on the other hand was great. Since we had the kids this morning we decided to watch a church service online from a church we love in Florida, it was even live. Oh boy what a full weekend....we went home and rested up.

Monday April 21, this morning was definitely quieter. It's sprinkling out and suppose to rain on and off most of the day. Originally we planned on moving today, but with the weather, we are going to stay another day. The campground host arrived today and I went up to visit with her awhile. Went into town to fill up the truck and get a few groceries. Funny thing we ran into Joan, the park ranger at Pleasant Creek State Park. That's were we are heading next, also where we will be camp hosts. After supper went to Justin's to watch the Blackhawks play and WIN !!!
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