Saturday May 3, Sunshine again!!! I'm loving this. We all enjoyed a big breakfast. It was nice enough that we could go outside and enjoy it. The guys went a for a walk in the woods, us girls went to the playground and found some dandelions. Headed into town to meet up with everyone for lunch at Red Lobster. I went with my son to get frames for his house. We watched the Kentucky derby and then headed back home. It sure seems quiet after those kids leave....extra quiet.
Sunday May 4, Well, we watch them pull in on Friday now we watch them pull out on Sunday. Went back in to help Justin hang all those frames we got yesterday. Then over to Seth's to watch the Blackhawks win!!!! When we got back to the campground it was empty...only us.
Monday May 5, Finally a really nice day. Went up to clean the shower house. We decided Mondays would be a good day to do extra cleaning. That's what we did, starting on the shower stalls. It's rewarding getting something done. With good weather I caught up on laundry. Then I noticed the washer was leaking. Had to pull it out and clean up that. Not sure what happened just have to watch it. I also got all the screens out and washed them. They really get dirty quick. What was really good about today... The birds were singing and it felt more like Spring.
Tuesday May 6,Today was a lazy day, sorta. That's what's so good about this life style, you can feel very ambitious and do lots or sit in a chair and read the day away. Nobody gonna care.....The weather was pretty good but very windy. Went for a walk and then pulled out my clippers. First Jeff's haircut then Belles.... Different clippers of course. I did cut Belles ear a bit, I'm blaming it on the wind. Jeff also emailed some fulltime rv friends, wanted to get together and hear about there winter. That's always fun to hear about others adventures. That's one reason we are doing this. Jeff follows lots of blogs and learns many things. So many tips and lessons to learn. My feeders are starting to get some visitors, I spotted some finches today.
Wednesday May 7, It was really nice today it was in the 80's, felt good with the warmer temps and sunshine. Did a little extra cleaning in the shower house. We went into town and ran some errands. Jeff had some things he needed to get to start the maintenance on the rig. With the warm weather I felt springy, so I bought a pretty red geranium, got home and replanted it. Starting to look a little homey here. It was warm enough to give the dogs a bath, neither dog cares for them but sitting in the sun after they enjoy that. It's Wednesday so we went in to watch Ashton's hockey practice. I think I'm gonna do some changing with my posts. Since we won't be traveling about and most if our adventures will be with family I'm gonna just do a weekly overview.. This is new to me so I'm trying to post some things for me but want to keep it somewhat interesting to others.
Looks great, and your header is beautiful.