Monday January 16- It was a pretty day and Jeff decided that today is the day to put in our new surge protector. We don't trust that other one and besides we sent it in for them to check it out. I don't think we will be getting it back any time soon. Jeff ordered a new hard wired Progressive surge protector, I helped him a little but when I say a little that's what I mean. I had a dizzy spell today which scared me. I went in and laid down for a while and it went away. I got a call from the doctor and my cholesterol is good. Now I can get my prescriptions again. I went in to pick them up after a text message saying they were ready and guess what? The prescriptions were not ready....go figure.I went back home. We had an invite to go to our neighbors Ken and Mary for happy hour. They are volunteers here too. So at 4 o'clock we headed down. They had quite a good turn out. It was nice visiting with everyone.
After lots of visiting we headed back to our rig. We fixed supper and got ready for our final adventure today. We are going bowling. It seems there is a bowling alley close to us that has a Monday night special. You rent your shoes for $4.50 and you can bowl as much as you want for free. The only drawback is you start bowling at 9 p.m. That is kind of late for us but we thought we would give it a go.
We haven't been bowling forever. Neither of us did great, but we had a fun time trying. We will definitely give this another try. It was a late night for us and we have to work tomorrow.
Tuesday January 17- It was hard to get up this morning. Jeff hasn't heard anything from the insurance adjuster so he decided to call our agent and ask her. When Jeff called her she was upset that nothing has been settled yet. She told us that she would make some calls and get us some answers. I went in to town to finally get my prescriptions. I was surprised that they were ready and waiting. The rangers today did a controlled burn here at the park today. It made for a really pretty sunset.
Wednesday January 18- After that burn yesterday it is crazy smokey this morning. Our cleaning routine is going smooth most of the time. We have gotten a lot of the sites looking better. It takes a while to get your routine figured out. Now if the campers would leave when they are suppose to it would help. Oh well. After work we went in to town so Jeff could get some coffee for his new Nespresso machine. They have a special department in Bloomingdales that sells it and lets you try before you buy. They even gave him some free samples. We also stopped at Trader Joe's to get something for supper. Came home and had a really great supper. I also finished the quilting on my latest project.
Friday January 20- It's the first day of our 4 days off. We started the day with going out for breakfast. We went to Time To Eat. We ate here last year and liked it. We looked at the menu which is huge. We had plenty of breakfast to eat...we had leftovers. It was really good.
After eating we drove about 17 miles to Rivera Beach. Here we caught a boat to Peanut Island. It was a perfect day. The cost was $12.00 for the ride over and back per person. We arrived and did a little exploring. We found a nice spot on the beach so we landed there a while. We enjoyed the sunshine, beach and all the activities on the water.
After a couple hours on the beach we continued our walk around the island. It is a little short of a mile and a half. We got back to the museum and Jeff wanted to take a tour of JFK's bunker. We signed up for our tour. It cost us $15.00 each. Our boat ride ticket saved us $2.00 off each ticket. First stop was the coast guard house then on to the bunker. It was a little disappointing, the tour....the island itself was wonderful.
We got back before traffic got super busy. It was a fun day out. We got to explore something we haven't seen and got to enjoy the beach and sunshine. Jeff had wanted to do this last year and we didn't get it done. Now we can cross that off the list.
Saturday January 21- Another pretty day this morning. Jeff decided after putting in the surge protector today we would switch over to 50 amp service. We have been a bit leery to do that since we really haven't found answers on why we had this power surge. We switched it over and I was cleaning, I turned on the vacuum and we lost the power again. Oh no...Jeff went out to see. He didn't see any error code on surge protector. He switched back over to 30 amp. We will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday when the maintenance man is here. Jeff is not sure if this is a problem with our rig, our cord or just unlucky. We were not having problems on the 30 amp so we will just have to wait. We stayed around here til around 3PM. We got on our bikes and rode the bike path to Tiki 52. It's only a few miles away and there is a bike path all the way, except when you cross the road. It was pretty windy on our way there. We even saw a few turtles along the way.

Jeff enjoyed a couple beers and we both enjoyed the live music. We stayed a couple hours and headed back. It was a lot easier riding back, the wind that hindered us before now is pushing us home.
Sunday January 22-We went to church to receive our weekly blessing. I can't explain how happy we are attending here. We ran into some more people we haven't seen yet. When we arrived home it seems the tomato fairy had made a of the regular campers here, Dom had dropped then off. Well I guess BLT's are on tonight's menu. The wind today has been crazy. I cut the bindings for my quilt and got a couple sides sewn on.
Monday January 23- Boy we had some really bad weather last night. There was lots of rain and even more gusting winds. We went to town to go for lunch and a movie. Then I received a message from some friends Jeffrey and Maren. They are arriving at JD today. We decided to cancel our plans in town and head back to have supper ready for them. I made chili and they joined us around 5. We always have plenty to talk about and tonight was no exception.
Tuesday January 24- Our electrical problem I think is solved. We went back to work today and Jeff said something to the maintenance team. They told him they would look at it. We went on to cleaning the shower houses. They came and got Jeff when they looked at the electric box. Well it seems a frog had gotten in there and some wires were burnt. They replaced the breaker and we turned it on 50 amp. At first we kept checking on it...still nervous. It seems to be working OK So we will keep our eyes on it. We also heard from the insurance adjuster, the checks are in the mail. We are slowly getting this problem behind us. Down to only the old surge protector. They have received it and it's in with the engineering department. Who knows how long that will take? To finish the day we had a meeting with Ken and Mary, we are planning the next volunteer potluck dinner. I think we have most of it figured out.
Thursday January 26- Started off the day with a real pretty sunrise. A good way to start off the last day of work this week. We had a great day working, we finished earlier than ever. All the campers left early today. That never happens. I decided after lunch to go to a quilt store. I found some fabrics I couldn't live without. I finished up my quilt I was working on. I like to have a project to work on at all times.

I think I have a girl friend that wants this one.
Friday January 27- It's cloudy out there so our plans to go to the beach are changed. We made a run to Stuart. First we went to WalMart to get fishing license. While in the area we stopped at Lowes to return a wrong breaker. Jeff also found a Hobie Store. We had to go check it out. They also have some rentals because it's located right on the river.

Had to take a picture of the sign. We used to ski Copper Mountain every year, we got a chuckle with that sign. The weather most of the day was cloudy and cool. When we got home I got started cutting fabric for my next project.
We had one more activity on the schedule today. It is a BBQ at the church. They are having it for The Dream Team. Those who volunteer through out the year. When we arrived we both were surprised with all they had put together. The church is in a strip mall. The BBQ was in the parking lot. The had brought in hay, they had fire pits going and a make shift stage with live music. It was really nice.

First it was just a time to visit with each other. Next they had lots of BBQ foods. Then they gave away prizes to those who went above and beyond this year. I was impressed on how they thanked them. After that you could make smores or join in with some square and line dancing. It was a real nice way to show there appreciation for those who work so hard.
Saturday January 28- It is a big day today for Hailey our grand daughter. It is her very first gymnastics competition. To say she was excited is an under statement. Our son said she woke up at 3 a.m. to see if it was time to get up. We were sorry to miss it but Seth posted videos on facebook. We are so lucky to be able to watch in that way. Our weather here today was really windy and cool. The sunshine was hit or miss most of the day. Hailey did very well for her first time. She placed in 2 events and there team got 2nd. She was extremely proud, we could tell by her phone call to us. She is 4th place in the first picture and 8th in the second. Way to go Sissy!!
I spent a lot of the day inside. I took advantage by laying out the quilt pattern...I think I like it.
We had plans tonight with Jeffrey and Maren. We weren't sure they would stay the same with the weather. The sun came out and the wind died down some. We went to Tiki 52 for happy hour and the live music. It was a good time. The atmosphere was good and so was the company. We enjoyed the music too.

We were getting hungry so we headed off to Crafty Crust to get pizza for supper. This place is really small and we had to wait for a while but not too long. We had good company to visit with while we waited....another good day and night...
Sunday January 29- Today was colder than yesterday with a constant rain. We went to church and that is always a great way to start the day. The worship and message were great. They ended the service with baptisms. They had quite a few, so it was an extra blessing today. The rest of the day we spent inside. The rain just would not stop. It made for a long day. We are so spoiled with all the warm temperatures and sunshine. How lucky are we to be in Southern Florida in January?....very blessed indeed.
Jeff enjoyed a couple beers and we both enjoyed the live music. We stayed a couple hours and headed back. It was a lot easier riding back, the wind that hindered us before now is pushing us home.
Sunday January 22-We went to church to receive our weekly blessing. I can't explain how happy we are attending here. We ran into some more people we haven't seen yet. When we arrived home it seems the tomato fairy had made a of the regular campers here, Dom had dropped then off. Well I guess BLT's are on tonight's menu. The wind today has been crazy. I cut the bindings for my quilt and got a couple sides sewn on.
Monday January 23- Boy we had some really bad weather last night. There was lots of rain and even more gusting winds. We went to town to go for lunch and a movie. Then I received a message from some friends Jeffrey and Maren. They are arriving at JD today. We decided to cancel our plans in town and head back to have supper ready for them. I made chili and they joined us around 5. We always have plenty to talk about and tonight was no exception.
Tuesday January 24- Our electrical problem I think is solved. We went back to work today and Jeff said something to the maintenance team. They told him they would look at it. We went on to cleaning the shower houses. They came and got Jeff when they looked at the electric box. Well it seems a frog had gotten in there and some wires were burnt. They replaced the breaker and we turned it on 50 amp. At first we kept checking on it...still nervous. It seems to be working OK So we will keep our eyes on it. We also heard from the insurance adjuster, the checks are in the mail. We are slowly getting this problem behind us. Down to only the old surge protector. They have received it and it's in with the engineering department. Who knows how long that will take? To finish the day we had a meeting with Ken and Mary, we are planning the next volunteer potluck dinner. I think we have most of it figured out.
Thursday January 26- Started off the day with a real pretty sunrise. A good way to start off the last day of work this week. We had a great day working, we finished earlier than ever. All the campers left early today. That never happens. I decided after lunch to go to a quilt store. I found some fabrics I couldn't live without. I finished up my quilt I was working on. I like to have a project to work on at all times.
I think I have a girl friend that wants this one.
Friday January 27- It's cloudy out there so our plans to go to the beach are changed. We made a run to Stuart. First we went to WalMart to get fishing license. While in the area we stopped at Lowes to return a wrong breaker. Jeff also found a Hobie Store. We had to go check it out. They also have some rentals because it's located right on the river.
Had to take a picture of the sign. We used to ski Copper Mountain every year, we got a chuckle with that sign. The weather most of the day was cloudy and cool. When we got home I got started cutting fabric for my next project.
We had one more activity on the schedule today. It is a BBQ at the church. They are having it for The Dream Team. Those who volunteer through out the year. When we arrived we both were surprised with all they had put together. The church is in a strip mall. The BBQ was in the parking lot. The had brought in hay, they had fire pits going and a make shift stage with live music. It was really nice.
First it was just a time to visit with each other. Next they had lots of BBQ foods. Then they gave away prizes to those who went above and beyond this year. I was impressed on how they thanked them. After that you could make smores or join in with some square and line dancing. It was a real nice way to show there appreciation for those who work so hard.
Saturday January 28- It is a big day today for Hailey our grand daughter. It is her very first gymnastics competition. To say she was excited is an under statement. Our son said she woke up at 3 a.m. to see if it was time to get up. We were sorry to miss it but Seth posted videos on facebook. We are so lucky to be able to watch in that way. Our weather here today was really windy and cool. The sunshine was hit or miss most of the day. Hailey did very well for her first time. She placed in 2 events and there team got 2nd. She was extremely proud, we could tell by her phone call to us. She is 4th place in the first picture and 8th in the second. Way to go Sissy!!
I spent a lot of the day inside. I took advantage by laying out the quilt pattern...I think I like it.
We had plans tonight with Jeffrey and Maren. We weren't sure they would stay the same with the weather. The sun came out and the wind died down some. We went to Tiki 52 for happy hour and the live music. It was a good time. The atmosphere was good and so was the company. We enjoyed the music too.
We were getting hungry so we headed off to Crafty Crust to get pizza for supper. This place is really small and we had to wait for a while but not too long. We had good company to visit with while we waited....another good day and night...
Sunday January 29- Today was colder than yesterday with a constant rain. We went to church and that is always a great way to start the day. The worship and message were great. They ended the service with baptisms. They had quite a few, so it was an extra blessing today. The rest of the day we spent inside. The rain just would not stop. It made for a long day. We are so spoiled with all the warm temperatures and sunshine. How lucky are we to be in Southern Florida in January?....very blessed indeed.
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