Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

Saturday, July 30, 2016

More Heat and Humidity

Monday July 11- Slow to get started today, still wore out from that weekend. We had Hailey today and when we went outside this morning we found a couple little birds. It was really windy last night and I think they got blown out of there nest. Cute little things aren't they. We found out that they are cedar waxwings. Everytime we went outside they had found a new place to hang out. Hailey had to go out and check quite often. After hanging out the rest of the day we headed in to gymnastics. Hailey had to work on the beam today and she did great. We took her home after class and came home ourselves.

Tuesday July 12     I had alot of things to get done today. One of the most important things is to get the binding cut, pinned, and sewn on the quilt. It's the last step on this project. I also had things to get done around here. After lunch we went to town I started to look for decorations for the rehearsal dinner.

Wednesday July 13- Today is the day!! I finished the quilt! I have been quilting on it for 7 months. What a relief to have this finished. I will probably give it to them at the bridal shower. I don't think I can keep it a secret to wait for the wedding.

I went up to check on the second loop shower house because the other camphost is having some health issues.

Thursday July 14- Today was definately a lazy day. I did get my walk in, which I have been kind of skipping lately. It's hard when it's so hot. We decided to go in for supper before going to watch our son Justin play. We heard about a new pizza place,(new to us) Tomaso Pizza. We got in and placed our order. When the pizza came to the table it looked really was really good.

It had the best crust ever. As I was eating my last piece I noticed I had either broke a tooth or lost part of a filling. I didn't even notice it. Also I'm really lucky because it doesn't hurt but it sure feels weird. After eating we went to The Blind Pig. That is were Wellstrung was playing. It was outside and the weather really was nice. It was a great place to listen to them. It was not crowded or loud just right.

Friday July 15-Went over to our son's house, we picked up there dog Noodles. She came to stay with us. They went to Chicago for the weekend. It's that time of year, the Blackhawks convention. They had a wonderful time. We have 3 dogs......

Noodles made herself at home and all 3 dogs got along great. Seth knows that I like to get pictures of them at the convention. He sends lots of pictures. I love that.

Saturday July 16- Boy was it a long night. All 3 dogs want to sleep in bed, needless to say I didn't get much sleep. Jeff and I are heading to Keokuk today. Jeff's 40th class reunion. We had to take Noodles to Justin's house. Didn't think 3 dogs in the rig all day would be a good idea. So after dropping her off we headed south to Keokuk.

We arrived at The Yacht Club. We were one of the first to arrive but it gave us time to visit with those there before everyone else arrived. It was a fun time. We got to visit with Jeff's classmates and alot of people that belong to the yacht club. Jeff got to see some from the fire department. I saw people I knew from the Y and from school. It was a really nice time. We stayed longer than we thought. I drove home in the dark. I'm not that good at night driving but at least I know the roads. We made it home safe and it was way later than our normal bedtime. We are old. It was well worth it.

Sunday July 17- Wow....we had some serious rain and wind last night. Jeff got up to check the radar. We got lucky not much damage to our park. Just some stuff blown over. Our park manager's hometown had some big damage. They finally said it was a tornado. A couple houses were destroyed. We were slow to get going and we still had some threatening weather heading towards us. We decided to hang around instead of going to church. We got lucky again, the bad weather stayed north of us. Seth, Katie and the kids made it home safe from Chicago. Seth is off work tomorrow so Hailey stayed home with dad.

Monday July 18- We have been having some issues with our mail, well not with our mail with people sending stuff to us. Jeff has been waiting for some important papers and the people that are suppose to be sending them haven't. He makes phone calls and nobody knows whats going on. It's been very aggravating. If you try to explain they either don't listen or don't care. We had to come to town to see if our mail had been delivered to Justin's. Waiting for some time sensitive mail. Well it wasn't there. Since we were in town went over to see the grand kids. Had to hear about there weekend. Ashton has been asking about launching his rocket. We have had lots of wind lately so we couldn't. Today the wind was non existant but the heat was killer. We gathered up the rockets, launch pad and went to Cherry Hill Park to blast off.

When we got there we noticed the wind had picked up just a bit. Jeff, Seth and Ashton had set up the launch pad. They thought they had made adjustments for the wind. Hailey wanted to push the button. Seth set up his go pro to get a closer view of lift off. We had a successful launch and all of us spotted the desending parachute. It looked good. What was so different this time was the rocket wasn't even coming down very fast. It was just hanging up there. Then we watched it catch a breeze and we knew we would never see that one again.

Tuesday July 19-Justin called this morning and said we had received some mail so we had to make a trip in to pick it up. When we got back the rain moved in and it rained most of the day. I decided to get my scrapbooking stuff out to keep me busy.

Wednesday July 20- Today we had an RV technician coming out to replace the center caps that they damaged when they were working on it. Jeff had the slides in, it jacked up, and the lug nuts loosened. When the tech got here they took off the tires, and they both new something wasn't right. One of the dust covers that seals the grease in and keeps dust and dirt out was completely off. Two others were bent so bad that they would have fallen off. We were very upset. It was a good thing we didn't travel too far before we found out about this. That could have been a HUGE problem. They took care of everything and refunded our money. We were so happy that they damaged the center caps because it showed us that bigger problem.

We spent most of the day dealing with this issue. We are very happy that this is behind us.

Thursday July 21- Today Jeff went in and got Ashton, they toured the YMCA. Jeff is going to join and take Ashton with him. Thought that would be a great way to spend time together. Since we are here for an extended period he could get into a good routine. We took Ashton out for breakfast and talked about the idea. Wanted to make sure he was all in. He thinks he wants to do it. We took him home and picked up a package that was mailed to his house. It's gifts for Molly's bridal shower from my sister. I took them home and wrapped them up. Did I mention that its hotter than blazes. With the heat index it's in the 100's. Way to hot. I don't remember it getting that hot up here.

Friday July 22- Jeff had an eye appointment today. Then we picked Ashton up and he and Jeff went to the Y to join up and work out. They took advantage of the weight room, the gym, and the pool. We dropped off Ashton and went for lunch and came home. It turned out to be another scorcher. It is so hot you can't hardly stand to be outside. Ready for a break in the weather.

Saturday July 23- Had a bridal shower to go to today. I went in to ride with Katie and Hailey. We left and headed to Van Horn and the community center. No problem there. It was a really nice place full of really nice people, celebrating a really special couple...I'm not biased....

The food was great and she really loved all her gifts. It was definitely a successful shower. Next event the rehearsal and then the big exciting!

Sunday July 24- Today we went back to church, we have missed a couple weeks and I missed it. We came home after, didn't have to pick up Hailey because Seth is off tomorrow for his birthday and he will be taking Hailey to gymnastics. We  ad a quiet day at home...still really hot. We called Lenny to see what they were doing and ended up going to there place. Jeff brought his guitar. He and Lenny played some tunes. His wife Dawn and I talked quilting. She showed me what she is working on. I'm impressed, she just started quilting and I don't think I would tackle that project. They also gave us lots of tips on how to prepare some of the food I'm going to have for the rehearsal. I'm feeling a little better about preparing it all. We had a very nice evening with very nice people.

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