Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Across town again...

Tuesday June 25, we loaded up and it was messy. It's hot, humid, and the bugs are crazy. The only good thing is its not raining. Our rugs had to be put away wet so it was a little more work trying to keep everything dry. So we made it to Squaw Creek and set up again close to the shelter house. We picked 2B. I got to set up my bird feeders and in no time we had takers. Had some house finches and gold finches. I'm so becoming my grandma... That's so funny my kids tell me I'm getting old. True I am but still like to watch the birds and listen to them sing.

We woke up the next day after a huge rain. It's cloudy but I got my walk in. The rain helped with the humidity. It rained so much that they had to evacuate another county park so this one filled up fast. We saw our first hummingbird today. While I was walking I spotted 3 deer. Gotta love all the critters. 

The humidity came back for Thursday but it went away in the afternoon. So weird it was like someone flipped a switch. I talked with my neighbor who had like 10 bird feeders. She let me know what kind of feed to use for different birds. Also she told me the names of these birds I'm feeding.

Friday was a beauty of a day, went for a walk and could actually sit outside. It was so nice we even went for a bike ride. I got to see more of the park. Also found some black raspberries growing by the side of the road. Since the weathers improved we have spent a lot of the day outside. We even went to our new friends John and Janie's campsite to enjoy a campfire. That was nice.

Saturday another day of rain, the kids had planned to spend the day on the lake but I guess that 30% chance of rain turned out to be wrong. I went back over to Justin's to clean his house, boy my boys sure have lots of projects for me. They ended up coming home early, I didn't get the whole house cleaned but I was done for the day. His house is a lot more than my HOW...

Sunday we decided to try a new church. The preacher was from our home town Keokuk. It was a really nice day and we found the church and found out the preacher wasn't there today. Jeff made a funny comment on the way out. He said they are definitely prompt. Church was at 11:00 o'clock and we were walking to our truck at. 11:45, that's quick. After church came home and made delicious eggs. Seth & Katie had us over for supper. Nice to get invited.

A new week and a new month and beautiful weather. Jeff went to Lake McBride to fish I stayed back and enjoyed the weather. I'm really loving this weather, and when you have good neighbors you can shoot the whole day just visiting. Tuesday was another nice day and we got to enjoy it. We walked and then had a super yummy supper...the fish Jeff caught yesterday.

On Wednesday it was really nice again and we were happy cause we had tickets for an outdoor concert. We spent the day around the camper doing some cleaning. Went to Justin's then headed to Red Lobster for supper. After we went to Riverside Casino to see Bad Company, we were really close but a little to the left. The concert was really good, it just didn't last long enough.

Happy 4th of July! Jeff went fishing with Justin. I stayed back. So I had the day to myself. It was nice out and the sun was shining. Jeff got home and he was tired so we didn't head out to watch any fireworks. We heard some and watched them on tv, does that count?

My boys had Friday off too so we met them for lunch. Saturday the heat starts coming back. We thought a cool movie theater sounded like a good idea so we headed to town. Sunday morning went to church at Antioch, and then came home to prepare a fruit salad and cheesecake dessert for a cookout at Seth's. We got there and visited a bit, ate an early supper, played with the kids and then headed back home. Plan on moving tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back to Morgan Creek

Tuesday June 18.

 We packed up and headed over to Morgan Creek for a week. We found us a good spot and as we were backing into it we saw our friends right behind us as they had just pulled in as well. We had everything set up by 10am without incident. That was nice. I  put up my hummingbird feeder and my new bird feeder.

We went and got Ashton to spend the night cause its suppose to be nice tomorrow so were taking him fishing. Well it happened a beautiful day and we took full advantage of it. Drove to Pleasant Creek and unloaded the kayaks. First thing I spotted was a snake swimming in the water. Got the kayaks all rigged up and Jeff got Ashton in and gave him some instructions. He's never been out in the boat alone. He did real well and loved it. When they came back we enjoyed a picnic lunch and then the boys tried fishing. They didn't have much luck but we were impressed at Ashton's casting skills. They went back out for another boat ride before loading up and heading back. We had to get Ashton rested up before hockey.

We got a new bike rack so that's what Jeff worked on Thursday. He thinks its gonna be so much better than our old one. Its a Thule 916 XTR . Then we had to get Hailey from daycare cause Katie has to work late. We got a little bit of time with her which is always welcomed. Then to finish out the night we went in to watch the ski show.... Well it really wasn't what we expected.

Then on Friday it stormed again. So much so that we went to the shelter house. I also made an apple pie cause my best friends coming up to spend the weekend. I had to drive and meet her so when she called we went and lead her back to the campsite. When we got back to the rig we just hung out and visited. So nice to catch up with her. We talked til we were falling asleep then headed to bed.

Saturday we went across town to Justin's and Jeff went with him to shop for a tv.  Judy and I did a bit of shopping as well. When we got home we sat outside and enjoyed the weather. Jeff made a huge batch of chicken stir fry, so yummy!! After supper we headed back to Justin's to watch the Blackhawks win!!!! It was great to watch cause we watched it on a 92 inch projection screen.

Sunday we went to Seth's so Judy could see the kids and also because Hailey really wanted to see Judy. After we went to Pancheros and got lunch cause Judy had never been. Ashton came with us cause its one of his favorites. We sent Judy on her way home and Ashton came home with us. He really wanted to come and if he wants to spend time with us we figure better take advantage of that. I'm sure there will be a time when he won't want to come and see us.

When we got home I started making Hailey some flip flops with ribbons on them. I had shown her the ribbons and purple flip flops and she was really excited to have them.

Well Monday came in like a lion, it's raining again and it's suppose to all day. We tried to keep Ashton entertained with cards, games, and the Wii but the guys decided to take in a movie. I stayed back cause the weather and the dogs. They were having all kinds of warnings and watches. I just kept my eyes open and watched the news. Finally the weather stated that the warnings did not include Cedar Rapids so I gave a sigh of relief the next thing I know the sirens are going off. So I'm trying to get the dogs on there leashes, my phone, quilt, charger, umbrella, you know all the necessities. I headed to the shelter in the pouring rain. Katie is texting me wondering if I heard the sirens. All I could do was wait to hear from the guys. The storm missed us, we just got lots and lots of rain. We are suppose to move tomorrow but gonna wait and see.
 Decided to go ahead and leave on Tuesday the 25th, there was a break in the weather so we started to load up. It was a mess, everything is so wet and dirty. Normally we put things up early but no chance of that this time. Got it done and heading across town.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Palo Here We Don't Come.....

Tuesday June 4th we packed up and headed to Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area just north of Palo, IA. Wanted an early start cause the weather looks like rain. Imagine that. Our plan was to go to there for a week. Ashton had asked many times to go fishing so that's what we were gonna do. We called before heading out cause they have one loop closed for improvements. They let us know there was a few spots open for first come first serve. We arrived found a spot but before pulling in we had to fill up the water tank cause you don't have a spigot on site. It was a pull through site so easy to get into. Ashton got to help chalk the wheels and he was willing to help do whatever. Jeff went to plug in the surge protector and it kept showing low voltage. That was a problem and it was working at our last site. Jeff tried another spot and same thing. He thought it was because of the electrical work they have been doing. Decided to hook back up and move to Squaw Creek  just to be safe. Ashton was a bit upset cause his heart was set on fishing. We promised him we would definitely get him fishing soon.

Pulled into Squaw Creek and got a  prime spot again close to the shower house for shelter with this crazy weather. When we plugged the power management system still showed a  voltage problem. Jeff contacted the company and they said something had happened to one of the boards so he had to send it back in for them to replace. Not sure what happened. Got everything set up but the weather didn't really cooperate all that well. We did get a bike ride in here and there but couldn't get too far from home cause when we did it would rain. Wednesday night had to take Ashton into hockey practice. Thursday and Friday it was some nice but rain always managed to find its way into the day. Friday night Jeff went downtown with Justin to watch Brandon Gibbs play. I stayed back. I was inside working on a quilt and I kept hearing a weird noise. Finally that strange noise got the best of me I went out to look. People were outside looking up so I looked up and saw a hot air balloon. It was so low  you could see the people waving . I thought they would hit the trees that's how low they were.

Saturday stayed around the campground til evening went to Seth's to watch the Blackhawks. I also recovered there kitchen chairs. Sunday was such a long day. It rained again. We were looking forward to Monday cause it was suppose to be nice. It took most of that day to get nice. Again on Tuesday very cloudy. We had to get out so we went into Marion for lunch and to check out there downtown area.  We had lunch at Zoeys Pizza and then walked around downtown. I managed to find a chocolate shop..yum! We had some nice weather on Wednesday during the day but severe weather moved in later in the afternoon so we didn't go in to watch hockey practice. Luckily we didn't get that weather it went north. Then it happened a beauty of a day on Thursday. We loaded up the kayaks and made our way out to Pleasant Creek. Jeff did some fishing, I just enjoyed the sunshine.

Thursday night Justin brought out his puppy (Barkley the wonder dog). We are watching him this weekend. Wasn't sure how my dogs are gonna like it but they'll have to adjust. The bad news is the puppy doesn't like his collar, his leash, or being tied up. Looks like we have some training to do. We discovered Barkley likes to walk on the leash if he's following our dogs. We thought the walk would wear him out for bed. We put him in his kennel and headed to bed. I figured he would whine  a bit but not for 11/2 hours. Jeff wanted me to do something after 5 minutes. I knew it would take a bit but not that long.

We went for a drive on Friday to check out some  other campgrounds. We walked the dogs to try and wear Barkley down for sleeping. Well he wasn't very good . Jeff went to check on him about midnight cause he woke up whining, next thing I know he's bringing him back to bed. Nope that's not gonna happen we have a 2 dog limit in our bed. I took him back out to the kennel and I slept in the recliner. I think it was the raining that bothered him tonight.

Saturday turned out pretty nice so we decided to go to the farmers market. There were sure lots of people there and they all loved Barkley, I could have given him away more than once. We stayed around the campground in the afternoon and then went to Seth's to watch the Blackhawks. They lost. We had one more night with Barkley so we were hoping he would sleep tonight. Put him down and only whined for 10 minutes and slept the whole night....yippee!!
Sunday, Father's Day we decided to make it a relaxing stay at home day. I made brunch for Jeff. The weather was better so we did get to enjoy the outside a bit. I made spaghetti bread for supper. Justin came and picked up his dog and it was back to normal. We had one more full day here before moving. It was nice on Monday a bit warm but no rain. Jeff did some cleaning on the rig. We headed in to have a late lunch at Red Lobster. One of Jeff's favorite places to eat. Tomorrows moving day ...