We started playing and it was quite fun. If you have never done this it is a blast. You hit your golf balls at targets. Each ball has a gps in it and it tells you how far you hit it. If you land in any of the targets it shows where your ball landed in the target. Then it gives you your score. It scores kin of like bowling. While you are playing they keep you happy with beverages. We also had lunch which was really good. All 4 of us got something different and all 4 of us liked what we got. We ended up playing for 2 1/2 hours. The prices vary here depending on the time of day. In the morning, open til noon it was $25 an hour. After noon it went up to 35, then after work it was 45. I'm not sure of the weekend prices. This price is per bay, doesn't matter how many people you have. We all had a blast.
Even our neighbor was having fun |
Tuesday February 19-Hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go. It's going to be a hot one for sure. We had a hard time getting our work done, everyone wanted to ask questions. After we finished our work we headed back to the rig to cool down. We had a camper bring us some tomatoes so tonight we used them to have BLT's for supper.
Wednesday February 20- It's even warmer today. We also had just a few sprinkles. After work we had a neighbor come over to see if he could borrow a volt meter. Well Jeff went over to help him. They have a 2006 Airstream with a slide. They were having a problem getting the slide out. Jeff tries to help for about 1 1/2 hours. There were super nice people and have been to this park many times. We stayed inside the rest of the evening.
Thursday February 21- Again with the scorching temps. So happy it's the last day we have to work. After work we got together with some of the other volunteers for a happy hour. We found a spot where we could all be in the shade. When we finished off we went to the air conditioning. Jeff remembered that there was a rocket launch tonight at 8:45. We went out to see if we could see it. It was really neat. You could see the tail on the rocket change colors. Then you could see the booster drop off too. I only wish I would have taken out my camera......maybe next time.
Friday February 22- It is still way above average temps. I did laundry and cleaned inside. Jeff defrosted his frig downstairs. We also put some leather product on our new love seat. We loved the couch before but after seeing what it looked like after the first treatment we really loved it. We stayed around here most of the day. Getting out to give Ruby a walk or a bike ride.
Maren and Jeffrey came by to pick us up around 4. We drove over to Wellington amphitheater to listen to The Long Ride. They are a Eagle tribute band. We arrived plenty early but so did lots of other folks. We found a spot to sit. Then we went out to check out the food trucks. We had planned on getting our supper here.
Jeff and I got Philly steak and cheese eggrolls. The guy in the truck was a hoot and was so fun. Now our food was so good. I also got a strawberry lemonade which was unbelievably good. Both of us were pleased with our pick. We sat down to eat and waited for the show to start. I couldn't believe how many people they crammed in there.
It was a good night to sit outside. It was a warm day but when the sun set it was comfortable. Now the show was really good and I think the crowd was pleased. We had a wonderful evening.
Saturday February 23- I have been wanting to go to the flea market in Stuart so today we went. We got there fairly early and there wasn't hardly anybody there. The last time we went it was super busy. Well Ruby came with us today. We got some produce. I was happy that I got some strawberries. We made a few stops at the store before coming home. I made an angel food cake for our strawberries. We stayed around the park today. Miss Ruby decided to sit outside a bit, making herself comfy in my chair.
Then about 4:30 we drove down to the eagle nest to see if we could see the eagle of eaglet. We saw the eagle guarding the nest but didn't see the baby. I took my camera and got some decent shots.
the nest |
watching the nest |
I ended this Saturday with a happy note...our granddaughter Maddyn said Grammy today.
Sunday February 24- Sunday church day. Today we were in for a great message. Our pastor's pastor, Jim Frease was bringing the message. He visits every winter when we are here. He is a great communicator. He brings the message with such gusto. I always come away feeling better from this church. He even gave every family a book this time. What a blessing he was today. Oh and did I mention that he is a hoot.
Sunday February 24- Sunday church day. Today we were in for a great message. Our pastor's pastor, Jim Frease was bringing the message. He visits every winter when we are here. He is a great communicator. He brings the message with such gusto. I always come away feeling better from this church. He even gave every family a book this time. What a blessing he was today. Oh and did I mention that he is a hoot.
We stopped for breakfast at Time To Eat Cafe before heading home. We walked Ruby and visited with lots of campers. Then we decided to go listen to some music down the street at Blue Point. When we got there around 1:30, the place was really hopping. Busier than I have ever seen it. We got a drink and waited for a table. Then Jeff and I ordered a early, really early dinner. Jeff got the mahi tacos and I got the chicken tenders. We both loved our meal. It was a nice afternoon.
Tuesday February 26- An uneventful day at work. We would have been done at 11:30 but we had one camper that didn't want to leave. Jeffrey and Maren came over for a happy hour. We have rain heading in...it arrived around 8:30.
Wednesday February 27- The rain just lasted during the night. It was a nice day today. After work ran to the store. When I got back I made treats for our sunset boat trip tomorrow. Pam, another volunteer stopped by to invite to a dinner tonight. They are having a birthday dinner for Gloria, another volunteer. We are to go to stop camp at 6:30. We got there just in time, it poured rain and the lightning was crazy. The rain didn't last long but it came down hard. We had a wonderful meal and got to visit with other volunteers. Not only did we have a wonderful meal but there was cake and ice cream too.
Thursday February 28- A nice day today only had 8 campers leaving today. As usual we had one guy that didn't want to leave. After work we got cleaned up and waited for our ride. Jeffrey and Maren came and picked us up and we headed to Stuart. We are boarding the Schooner Lily for a sunset sail. We did this 2 years ago and were looking forward to going again. The boat was full tonight because last nights trip was cancelled. On this boat you can bring your own snacks and beverages.
We boarded, found a seat and waited to set sail. It was a wonderful evening for a cruise. The captain pushed off out of the harbor. When we got out far enough we put up the sails. Me and another gal volunteered to help.

Everyone got comfortable and brought out the beverages and snacks. It was a great evening and the weather even cooperated.

Just as the sun was starting to set the captain and his wife brought out there instruments and played us some songs.
When the sky started changing colors everyone's attention was turned to the sky. It was a beauty of a sunset. I wish the pictures showed just how pretty it was. They don't but I tried.
We made it back to land safe. Before heading home we stopped for supper at Sonny's BBQ. We actually did the same thing for dinner the last time. It was very tastee.
Friday March 1- It was a pretty day. We made our way to the inter coastal. Found a great spot and unloaded our stuff. Jeff wanted to get his kayak out. I stayed on land and enjoyed my floating bean bag chair. We got there early before most people. We are waiting for phone calls today. Justin, our son is having surgery. Seth and Ashton are on the road to Omaha for Ashton's last hockey tournament.
We stayed until it got to busy. Then we headed back home to clean things up. Justin's surgery went well and he will be home later today. Seth and Ashton made it and his first game was at 5 o'clock. It was a close one but they won 3-0.
Saturday March 2- Today was a busy day, we did a lot of visiting. We went early to go to Trader Joe's. As we were leaving my phone rang....I looked and it was from Ohio? Do I know anyone from Ohio? Well I answered it and it was Debbie, she goes to our church. She asked what we were doing? I told her we were just leaving the store. Ia asked what she was doing and she said sitting outside our camper. We told her we would be right there. We got back and sat outside and visited with her and Bill her husband. Then they left. We got a call from Seth and Ashton's 2nd game ended in a tie. Then one of the volunteers, Janice stopped by and we were visiting with her. While she was here our neighbors came over and invited us to go to the concession area for a happy hour. We went down there and visited with Ron and Nancy. Boy are we good at talking. When we got home we changed and then we drove to Stuart. We are going to Sneaki Tiki to listen to Jodie Gaines. It was a neat little place and the music was wonderful. On a sadder note Ashton played another game and it didn't end as they would have liked. They took a L.
Sunday March 3- This is going to be another busy day. We are greeting at church today. Then after the service we came on home and I prepared my Italian dish for our Italian dinner. Our life group from church meets the first and third Sunday's to share a meal. We drove over there, it's starts at 1. We didn't have many show up. Even the groups leaders weren't there. They had someone at the house to wait for everyone. We had a great meal, and the fellowship was just as great. Then we brought our leftovers home. We took care of the dogs. Then we got back in the car and headed to the Square Grouper to listen to some music. The String Assassins were playing. We barely found a place to park.
We walked to the bar and it was packed. Standing room only. We got a drink and listened to the music which was really good. Then someone got up so we found a place to sit. It was just a bit to crazy for us. We didn't stay all that long. We sure would like to watch that band at another place. They were very unique. Who would have thought you could dance to Pink Floyd, well you could with this group.
To finish off this post Ashton had one more game today. They are playing for 3rd place. It was another really close game but they came out on top this time. It was a bit emotional because they are a very close team and today was the last game of the season and some won't be coming back next year. They had a great season....way to go Blizzard!!!!!
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