Monday May 11-Well we are getting settled in here. Starting to get a schedule established. We aren't required to do a lot around here but we do have some responsibilities. We are in charge of the shower house so we clean it and keep it clean. We also answer questions, those we know the answers for. It has been below normal temps. So its cold. I'm a baby with this cold weather. Its also been raining a lot....yuck. We are still trying to get caught up with doctoring stuff. Us and the dogs. Soffee has had issues that she cant seem to get rid of so we have been worried about her. She is 14 so that's a factor as well. I've been trying to get in to see a doctor about my ears, the right one is stuffed up. Driving me nuts, trying to get in to a new doctor is like winning the lottery. I went to a urgent care place but don't go there if you have an emergency...they tell you to call 911 if you have an emergency. I think they need to change the name to a walk in clinic. I tried another place that said they were excepting new patients but when I called and they found out I was only going to be here for 6 months they said they couldn't except me. I guess they don't want any part time patients.
Tuesday May 12-Today We had to make a trip to get some surgery on my face. I had some skin cancer removed. We love our dermatologist. He does great work. The surgery was a success and we stopped for lunch on the way back home. Jeff is still working on changes to his diet. Its been hard because of all the stuff they add to our food...its really crazy when you start reading the labels.
Wednesday May 13- We worked on the new steps we put on....had an issue with a brace that was bent so we had to fix that. The medicine they gave me for my ears seems to be helping. I also have been working on a t-shirt quilt for my niece in California, she's a runner and sent me lots of t-shirts for that. I sent off a scrapbook I made for a friend of mine who has twins. Went to town, had to pick up Hailey, she's staying the night. Went by Justin's to pick up some packages that came for us. I got my new hummingbird feeders. I added the vivofit app while I was at my sons internet. Now I can sync it to my phone and get all my information. I really like it, I have to admit it keeps you aware of how much you move or don't move.
Thursday May 14-Its a rainy day. We stayed in and played memory, old maid and watched movies.
Good thing Sissy was here today to make the day a lot more fun. That's a bonus we enjoy, close to family. We went back in to town making a few stops before heading to Ashton's hockey practice...another bonus. While we are here we want to enjoy the activities that the kids are in.
Friday May 15-We saw some sunshine today...that was good. Stayed here at the campground today. We watched the campground fill up. Worked on the blog a bit. I got a nice walk in and got to enjoy the sunshine. Suppose to get rain tonight.
Saturday May 16-Jeff and I went to town and went to a movie. There is a really nice movie theater in the area that we love. Its clean has great prices and real butter for there popcorn. The movie was Woman In Gold. The movie was really good too. We stopped at Menards to look at backsplash..we want to change ours. I got a really pretty red petunia, I'm not very good at growing plants but going to try it again.
Sunday May 17-Really weird weather today. First it was nice with some sun then when we came out of really windy and cold. We tried a new church again...can't seem to find one that fits us...but we aren't giving up. Well its hockey playoff time again. We went in to Justin's house to watch the Blackhawks play. They got beat by the Ducks. I noticed my phone was acting funny. It kept saying my phone was full with no storage left. I deleted some things and still no space. I ended up calling Verizon and they passed me off to Apple. I had myself all in a dither but I had an awesome guy on the other end of the phone. George helped me through it all. I ended up having to clear my phone off. It was very traumatic for me but I did it. It took a couple hours but I did it. I will have to put back all my apps and stuff but its going to be ok.
Monday May 18-Well another cold front came through last night and its going be here awhile...where has Spring gone? Today we had to make another trip to Burlington Iowa to get my stiches out.....It looks pretty good. Whats going to be really good is I can go without the bandages on my face. It's really hard having that so close to your eye. My glasses wouldn't fit right so I had headaches. Needless to say that makes me happy. Stopped and got lunch before heading home. I tried to walk but it was so windy it make it really hard. I did get started on putting that t-shirt quilt together. I also tried to call the doctor about my ears. I ran out of medicine and then my ears did the same thing. I'm trying to get more medicine without going back. I hope they call back.
Tuesday May 19-I ended up calling the doctor office again. This time they called back and told me they refilled my prescription. Jeff cleaned out the truck. We ordered some seat covers, so after cleaning them we put hem on. Boy we should have done that long ago. They look really nice. We got a phone call from some friends, Janie and John called to see if we had any empty spots at the campground. They just went to another park and it was full. We did so they came out to stay awhile. We had to go in town to get my prescription. We also stopped at the healthy store. We found some really yummy sunflower cookies. They don't sound so good but believe me they are yummy. We went up to visit with Janie and John after they had time to set up. Always good to catch up with them.
Wednesday May 20- So cold it got down in the 40's brrrr was a long long day. It rained most of the day. I even took my umbrella out to walk around the loop. I couldn't even make my 10,000 step a day goal. Just stayed in and worked on that quilt. A very long day.... I need sunshine!
Thursday May 21- It was still cool this morning but its suppose to get in the 70's today with sun. We decided to load up the kayaks and head to Lake McBride. We left around 9:30. It was still chilly but we had faith it would warm up. When we arrived it was still cool and the wind had picked up. Jeff assured me he could find a spot out of the wind.
It turned out to be a really nice day. We paddled all over that lake. We didn't catch any fish but it felt really good to be outside and soak up some sunshine. It did warm up and the wind died down too.
We paddled around about 3 hours. We came back home unloaded the boats and had a bite for supper. Its Thursday so we headed in for hockey.
Seth helps with Ashton's hockey practice. Here is Ashton trying to get the puck from his dad.
Friday May 22- It's a big day! It's also a beautiful day. I took advantage of the good weather and did the laundry. Also washed the windows on the truck, its so buggy that every time you drive your windshield is covered. Sat outside a bit to enjoy the sunshine. Tonight we are going to the first uptown Friday nights. It's at the amphitheater in Cedar Rapids. Justin and Jordan are opening up for the show tonight. We left early because we had errands to run. It starts at 5 and that's when they started playing. Janie and John were going to meet us there. We had the whole family there. After Justin got done playing he asked his girl Molly to marry him...he did it right up on stage in front of everyone.
Justin asked and Molly said yes... We are very excited. She was completely surprised. It was a great night. So happy that we could be here for this. After all the excitement we went for supper with Janie and John. Tammy joined us as well that is Molly's mom. We went to a restaurant we've never been to. I can safely say we won't be going back anytime soon. The service and the food .....not so good. It was a good thing we brought our own company because that saved the experience.
Saturday May 23- It's another really nice day. We decided to se if Janie and John wanted to join us for dinner. It's so convenient since they are staying at the park. Jeff decided to smoke some salmon. I made salad, some vegies and Janie brought bread. It was a real good dinner, way better than last night. After supper we went in to Seth's house to watch the Blackhawks. Boy this is some kind of an exciting series. They had a 3-1 lead and the Ducks scored 3 goals in 37 seconds. the Hawks tied it up and sent it into overtime. First overtime no score, so we decided to head home and on the way home they scored in the 2nd overtime to tie the series at 2-2. They sure know how to make a game exciting.
Sunday May 24-Well the rain has made its way back. We went to church and decided that we will find another one for next Sunday. Since the weather is yuck decided to make it a movie day. We got there early and it was a good idea. I guess everyone else had the same idea, about the movie. The theater was full and the movie was good. A funny thing happened while we were there. They run ads on the big screen. I looked up and I said that looks like Ashton...Jeff said that is Ashton, he was on the big screen holding a fishing pole. They must have took his picture in his summer camp last year. I didn't get a pic because it didn't come back up. It was a funny surprise. That boy pops up when you least expect it. Well hopefully the weather will continue to improve...bring on the sunshine....