Monday May 15- Starting off the week trying to get back on schedule with some walking. I love walking around the lake to the boat ramp from here. It takes about an hour and during the week it is so quiet. It also gave me a chance to see what they have done to restore the lake. It is going to take some time to get it back to the level it was, but when it does the fishing is going to be great. So after my walk I made us a big lunch. We are going in to town to get Hailey for gymnastics. We pick her up at school and made our way to the gym. She was excited and wanted to make sure we were watching.
We watched this best we could. After taking her home we came home had a quick bite and watched the weather. The bad stuff missed us again.
Tuesday May 16- Nothing planned really for today. It is very warm out there with lots of wind. Justin called to see if we could come over and help with the organizing of the basement,also wanted Jeff to fix a couple things. After supper we went in. They are keeping some of the stuff I couldn't get rid of. I decided to go through all of it to see if it still ment anything to me. Good news is I got rid of about 1/2 of it. He is going to take it to Goodwill. While there I missed a call from the bank fraud place. It seems someone tried to use my numbers. Great now I get to call the bank and get a different card. That is going to take a couple weeks. Oh well at least the $350.00 charge didn't go through.
Wednesday May 17- Woke up today and it looks like serious rain. It was doctor day for us. Jeff had stuff and so did I. On our way in the heavens opened up and it just poured. When we arrived at the doctor it had slowed some. When we came out of the doctor the sun was shining....crazy weather. Since our appointments were so early after we went for breakfast. Before heading home we made a few stops. After putting our stuff away and after lunch we hear a knock at the door. The aren't many campers here and since the wind we have been closing the big door. I open the door and there are Ken and Mary, they volunteer at Jonathan Dickinson with us. They live in Philadelphia and are returning from a trip west. What a surprise that was. Since the weather was still good we sat outside and visited for awhile. They are only staying one night so we had to make the most of our time. We decided to take them for supper at Brogans, down in Palo. It a little restaurant/bar the food is good and the beer is cold...also inexpensive.
We had a nice supper and good conversation. I looked outside and I mean it was pouring. The rain was coming down sideways. We waited for it to slow down a bit. We decided to head out when the sirens went off. Well needless to say they really didn't understand all that. They don't really have that kind of weather where they come from. We told them we were going to a storm shelter it was just up the road. We took cover and watched and listened to the weather.
Boy it was scarey for a while. I never heard such a weird noise. The good thing was it passed fairly quick. We made our way back to the campground and we had stuff blown around. Nothing damaged just tossed around. Our home was safe and the dogs that's what matters. The rest of the weather missed us. We just had more rain and the temperature really dropped.
Thursday May 18- It is very cool this morning and looks very rainy. Ken and Mary came over for coffee before heading out. It was a nice visit and we are planning a trip out there way this fall. The rain didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon so we went to the movie. Went and saw The Case For Christ. We both wanted to see that one but both were a little disappointed. It wasn't bad but not great either. When we got home Jeff's friend Lenny called and invited him to join them at there Thursday Jam session. He went and I stayed home and did some quilting.
Friday May 19- Again with this crappy weather....rain, rain, rain. All day long. I decided to go in to Seth and Katie's to get some laundry done. I also told Hailey I would clean her room. Jeff came with. We decided to drive through Morgan Creek and spotted Janie and John's rig. We haven't seen them yet and thought we would drop in for a quick visit. They have been full time rving 2 years longer than us. We caught up some and promised to get together soon. Jeff dropped me off at Seth and Katie's and went to pick up Ashton. They went to see the movie Aliens. I didn't care to see that one so I stayed back and cleaned. Boy what a task that is. How can a 6 year old girl have so much stuff. She hides it every where. Katie helped when she got home and so did Hailey. It was hard for her to part with any of her stuff even if it's been hiding under her bed for months. We got home and it poured again.
Saturday May 20- Brrrrrr it's super cold today and gray. I decided to go through all of my scrapbook supplies and see what I can part with. It turns out I didn't need quite a lot of it. We have had a few issues with our battery so Jeff decided it's time to replace it. Went in and picked up one and some groceries too. When we got back I made some chicken pot pies for supper. With this cooler weather you can make those cold weather comfort foods. It was a super lazy day and long.
Sunday May 21- Guess's cold and gray again. Went to church and came back home to watch the few campers here leave. Since it was so yucky I just stayed in and quilted. The funny thing by about supper time the 6 walk in sites we have in this loop were tagged for the whole week. Looking ahead to next weekend a holiday.
Monday May 22- Woke up and saw sunshine....don't worry it didn't last long. It didn't rain though so I got my walk in. We spent the day inside. Today we picked Hailey up at school for gymnastics. Today it was picture day so we could go in the gym and get some pictures. She wanted me in there all the time.

It was fun watching her show us all she has learned. After class they had awards and did a photo booth. Hailey was proud of her award..most improved. She has worked really hard this year.

It was a good night at gymnastics. We dropped Hailey off and had supper there. They had left over chicken noodles another cold weather comfort food. It was good.
Wednesday May 24- Another cloudy cool day. I'm sounding like a broken record. Jeff made us a campfire this morning. I was still cold. Hung around here most of the day. At 3:30 went to town to make a few stops before our concert tonight. Went to pick up some bird seed and ended up purchasing another really cool outside chair. We kid about this. The store is Theisen's and they have free popcorn while you shop. That free popcorn always ends costing a pretty penny. We had a bite to eat at Panera before heading downtown to the Cellular Center. We were going to see Blue Oyster Cult and Boston. We purchased our tickets on groupon. They were only $25.00 each.

Blue Oyster Cult didn't sound good but Boston sounded great. The crowd wasn't as big as I thought either. I'm not a huge Boston fan but they are great musicians. It was worth the money.

Thursday May 25- A little something different this morning....SUNSHINE! I took advantage of the day. I walked over to the boat ramp and spotted this critter. It was so nice I couldn't hardly stand to go inside. I sat out and enjoyed the wonderful weather. Our son Justin and his friend Jordan are playing an outside gig tonight. We have been watching the weather all week and today was the only day they aren't calling for any rain. The show started at 6. We love those early shows. We made our way to The Blind Pig. We got there early to get a bite to eat and get a good seat. Seth, Katie and the kids are coming so we needed a bigger table. Jeff ordered a tenderloin for his supper, he said was great.
It was a wonderful night outside for a show and they had a real good turn out. Jeff even got to go up and play a couple songs. I don't think he was quite as nervous as last year.

It was a successful show and fun was had by all. The weather even cooperated.
Friday May 26- Guess what..raining again. We didn't think we could stay in all day so went to a coffee shop close by to do some updates on our computers/phones. It rained most of the day but at about 5 o'clock the sun came out. We had talked about going to Uptown Friday Nights. Justin and Jordan have another show tonight too. This one doesn't start until 9 o'clock at Cedar Rapids Landing. Last night they both played guitars but tonight they are doing there new thing. Jordan on guitar Justin on the drums. We haven't seen this show yet and wanted to attend. So first we went to Uptown Friday Nights. The Strays were playing. They played at Justin and Molly's wedding. I think if we would have waited for there show we probably would have been too tired. It was a nice night and both shows were really good. Here are some pictures of the first show. It is at the McGrath Amphitheatre which is located downtown right on the Cedar River.
We left a little before the show was over. We walked back to Cedar Rapids Landing to watch Wellstrung play. On the way we saw this gaggle of ducks. That was quite a group. It didn't take us long to get where we were going. When we got there the place was fairly empty. When they started the show it still was really empty. Didn't care we had the best seats in the house and a private show.

About 10 o'clock people really started showing up. Molly and her family came to so we had quite the cheering section. It was a late night for us but, well worth it. The show was awesome and they sounded great.
Saturday May 27-Had some sunshine today. Our park is full and so the shower house is really getting used. After cleaning we just hung out here for a while. We have been running and having late nights...not so used to that. We had a couple of our windows repaired. The seals break and the window fogs up. It really bugs Jeff. Well when we got them back one of the windows frames was bent so Jeff couldn't get it in. Called the company and we are going to send them back. So we went in to the Fed Ex place and the shipping label wasn't able to scan. So we couldn't get it resolved so we will bring it back another day. We had lunch at Five Guys....then went to Home Depot looking for a few things. I want to replace our kitchen faucet. Found a couple I think will work but didn't get it yet. Next stop over to Justin and Molly's. Then are cleaning up there place to put it on the market. We gave them some help then came back home. Went to check on our shower house and Jeff smelled something hot....our new hot water heater has some issues. Looks like no hot water the rest of the weekend...not going to make anybody happy.
Sunday May 28-It was a sunny day today. We started off the day going to church, we are greeting today. When we came back our park is still full...extended weekend. Since we haven't seen much sunshine I sat out and enjoyed it. I went in later and made some stuff for our family fish fry tomorrow. We had a wonderful dinner tonight with fresh corn on the cob, which was suprisingly better than we thought it would be. We took a walk around the 2nd loop tonight before coming in. Just as I was getting ready to go to bed I hear a big bang...fireworks.....don't like them things. Tomorrow we get together to eat fish.
Thursday May 18- It is very cool this morning and looks very rainy. Ken and Mary came over for coffee before heading out. It was a nice visit and we are planning a trip out there way this fall. The rain didn't look like it was stopping anytime soon so we went to the movie. Went and saw The Case For Christ. We both wanted to see that one but both were a little disappointed. It wasn't bad but not great either. When we got home Jeff's friend Lenny called and invited him to join them at there Thursday Jam session. He went and I stayed home and did some quilting.
Friday May 19- Again with this crappy weather....rain, rain, rain. All day long. I decided to go in to Seth and Katie's to get some laundry done. I also told Hailey I would clean her room. Jeff came with. We decided to drive through Morgan Creek and spotted Janie and John's rig. We haven't seen them yet and thought we would drop in for a quick visit. They have been full time rving 2 years longer than us. We caught up some and promised to get together soon. Jeff dropped me off at Seth and Katie's and went to pick up Ashton. They went to see the movie Aliens. I didn't care to see that one so I stayed back and cleaned. Boy what a task that is. How can a 6 year old girl have so much stuff. She hides it every where. Katie helped when she got home and so did Hailey. It was hard for her to part with any of her stuff even if it's been hiding under her bed for months. We got home and it poured again.
Saturday May 20- Brrrrrr it's super cold today and gray. I decided to go through all of my scrapbook supplies and see what I can part with. It turns out I didn't need quite a lot of it. We have had a few issues with our battery so Jeff decided it's time to replace it. Went in and picked up one and some groceries too. When we got back I made some chicken pot pies for supper. With this cooler weather you can make those cold weather comfort foods. It was a super lazy day and long.
Sunday May 21- Guess's cold and gray again. Went to church and came back home to watch the few campers here leave. Since it was so yucky I just stayed in and quilted. The funny thing by about supper time the 6 walk in sites we have in this loop were tagged for the whole week. Looking ahead to next weekend a holiday.
Monday May 22- Woke up and saw sunshine....don't worry it didn't last long. It didn't rain though so I got my walk in. We spent the day inside. Today we picked Hailey up at school for gymnastics. Today it was picture day so we could go in the gym and get some pictures. She wanted me in there all the time.
It was fun watching her show us all she has learned. After class they had awards and did a photo booth. Hailey was proud of her award..most improved. She has worked really hard this year.
It was a good night at gymnastics. We dropped Hailey off and had supper there. They had left over chicken noodles another cold weather comfort food. It was good.
Wednesday May 24- Another cloudy cool day. I'm sounding like a broken record. Jeff made us a campfire this morning. I was still cold. Hung around here most of the day. At 3:30 went to town to make a few stops before our concert tonight. Went to pick up some bird seed and ended up purchasing another really cool outside chair. We kid about this. The store is Theisen's and they have free popcorn while you shop. That free popcorn always ends costing a pretty penny. We had a bite to eat at Panera before heading downtown to the Cellular Center. We were going to see Blue Oyster Cult and Boston. We purchased our tickets on groupon. They were only $25.00 each.
Blue Oyster Cult didn't sound good but Boston sounded great. The crowd wasn't as big as I thought either. I'm not a huge Boston fan but they are great musicians. It was worth the money.
Thursday May 25- A little something different this morning....SUNSHINE! I took advantage of the day. I walked over to the boat ramp and spotted this critter. It was so nice I couldn't hardly stand to go inside. I sat out and enjoyed the wonderful weather. Our son Justin and his friend Jordan are playing an outside gig tonight. We have been watching the weather all week and today was the only day they aren't calling for any rain. The show started at 6. We love those early shows. We made our way to The Blind Pig. We got there early to get a bite to eat and get a good seat. Seth, Katie and the kids are coming so we needed a bigger table. Jeff ordered a tenderloin for his supper, he said was great.
It was a wonderful night outside for a show and they had a real good turn out. Jeff even got to go up and play a couple songs. I don't think he was quite as nervous as last year.
It was a successful show and fun was had by all. The weather even cooperated.
Friday May 26- Guess what..raining again. We didn't think we could stay in all day so went to a coffee shop close by to do some updates on our computers/phones. It rained most of the day but at about 5 o'clock the sun came out. We had talked about going to Uptown Friday Nights. Justin and Jordan have another show tonight too. This one doesn't start until 9 o'clock at Cedar Rapids Landing. Last night they both played guitars but tonight they are doing there new thing. Jordan on guitar Justin on the drums. We haven't seen this show yet and wanted to attend. So first we went to Uptown Friday Nights. The Strays were playing. They played at Justin and Molly's wedding. I think if we would have waited for there show we probably would have been too tired. It was a nice night and both shows were really good. Here are some pictures of the first show. It is at the McGrath Amphitheatre which is located downtown right on the Cedar River.
We left a little before the show was over. We walked back to Cedar Rapids Landing to watch Wellstrung play. On the way we saw this gaggle of ducks. That was quite a group. It didn't take us long to get where we were going. When we got there the place was fairly empty. When they started the show it still was really empty. Didn't care we had the best seats in the house and a private show.
About 10 o'clock people really started showing up. Molly and her family came to so we had quite the cheering section. It was a late night for us but, well worth it. The show was awesome and they sounded great.
Saturday May 27-Had some sunshine today. Our park is full and so the shower house is really getting used. After cleaning we just hung out here for a while. We have been running and having late nights...not so used to that. We had a couple of our windows repaired. The seals break and the window fogs up. It really bugs Jeff. Well when we got them back one of the windows frames was bent so Jeff couldn't get it in. Called the company and we are going to send them back. So we went in to the Fed Ex place and the shipping label wasn't able to scan. So we couldn't get it resolved so we will bring it back another day. We had lunch at Five Guys....then went to Home Depot looking for a few things. I want to replace our kitchen faucet. Found a couple I think will work but didn't get it yet. Next stop over to Justin and Molly's. Then are cleaning up there place to put it on the market. We gave them some help then came back home. Went to check on our shower house and Jeff smelled something hot....our new hot water heater has some issues. Looks like no hot water the rest of the weekend...not going to make anybody happy.
Sunday May 28-It was a sunny day today. We started off the day going to church, we are greeting today. When we came back our park is still full...extended weekend. Since we haven't seen much sunshine I sat out and enjoyed it. I went in later and made some stuff for our family fish fry tomorrow. We had a wonderful dinner tonight with fresh corn on the cob, which was suprisingly better than we thought it would be. We took a walk around the 2nd loop tonight before coming in. Just as I was getting ready to go to bed I hear a big bang...fireworks.....don't like them things. Tomorrow we get together to eat fish.