Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

Sunday, December 27, 2015

First Time at Long Key

Friday December 4- Well it rained all night long again. We checked out the radar to see if there was going  be a break in the rain. When it stopped for a minute we loaded up what was still outside. It was a mess because the rugs were soaked and so hard to put away. The good news is the next park Long Key is only  about 12 miles up the road. We pulled out a little sad to be leaving but a lot excited about having a spot in Long Key. We had site #52 that we scoped out before reserving and realized its still going be a bit of a challenge. Well the rain held out long enough that we made it to the park. We found our site and the rain started up again. What was bad was with all the rain in the last couple days the roads were completely under water. The ditches on either side were deep in rain too. Being new to the park we weren't sure what was under the water. It took us a while but we got her in and just where we wanted to be. Needless to say both of us were soaked. We just set up what we had to and then inside to get warmed up. Even with all the rain our view was fantastic. The clouds actually made it quite interesting.

 Saturday December 5- Well it quit raining but its still cloudy with a chance of rain in the forecast. We got busy unloading our outside stuff and then we walked around the campground and checked out the shower house. The shower house is super clean but the water pressure isn't so good. We already love this place, our site has water and 30 amp service and the best thing is your own beach out the back with views that are spectacular. A lot of the sites have trees and shrubs between them.

As we were walking we spotted this crab, someone or something had taken all of its legs, but it wasn't giving up if you got close the front claws were in fight mode. When we got back the sun had come out and we headed to the beach. It didn't last long before the clouds came over and it started sprinkling. We cleaned up and went to town for dinner. We went to the Islamorada Fish Co that is behind the Bass Pro Shop. Its my birthday and the restaurant was on the water with a great view. The rain held off and we had a nice dinner. The food was just ok but still a nice time. We finished up our night by watching the Iowa Hawkeyes play Michigan. It was a super close game and Iowa got beat in the last few seconds. What a loss, its there first one of the year. Still a great game.

Sunday December 6- We got up and it looks really cloudy out there. We went for a nice walk to start the day. We figured we better get it in before the rain.

When we got back the sky looked really threatening and before long it started pouring rain. It pretty much rained the whole day. I decided to make a batch of cookies to keep me busy. My Aunt Pat's recipe, melting moments but mine aren't as good as hers were.

It stopped raining long enough for us to get our supper cooked on the grill. After that it really cut loose. There was thunder, lightning and lots and lots of rain.

Monday December 7- This is what we woke up to. The roads were no where to be found. It was quite the mess. They say that in the last week there has been 14 inches of rain. What was even worse is the system that is responsible isn't moving. It seems to be hanging over us and going no where. We are really happy that we invested in dish TV. Today we started our reservation process. Its so hard to get spots sometimes. You get all pumped up and end up with nothing. Since the rain wouldn't quit I decided to start sewing a quilt together I'm making for my son and his fiancé. It's a simple pattern but its going to be a huge quilt.

Tuesday December 8-Well the water is going down a little. You can see the center of the road now. I got the border added to the quilt. We decided to go to town and get a few things. It's still cloudy and its sprinkling but nothing like before. Most of the day it was cloudy but as the sun was setting, there it was some sun to watch set. Pink sky at night sailors delight.

Wednesday December 9-We got sunshine!!! Jeff had planned to take out his kayak with the sail to go and check out the area. He went up toward the north point and he said the conditions were perfect. He had to go around 8:15 with the tides. I didn't want to use my sail and I wouldn't be able to keep up so he went solo. I stayed back and guarded the beach enjoying the sunshine and the view.

Jeff had a wonderful sail and said I should have gone...oh well next time. We had lunch and then decided to get the bikes out and ride south toward the bridge. We couldn't use all of the bike path because some of its still under water. We had to use the bike path on the road. We got to the bridge and road all the way to the other side about 2 1/2 miles. Beautiful views for sure and not much wind so easy riding.

When we got home Jeff decided to call our mail service to see if they have received our check from GM.....yippee its there. Now we have to have it sent to the Marathon post office general delivery. That was good news for sure. GM said that it was coming but until you see it you don't always believe it. That was a good way to end the day. The sunset wasn't bad either.

Thursday December 10- Well its cloudy and rainy again. We did get the dogs out for a walk, poor things have been inside for ever. I think the crabs like this cloudy weather because they were out in big numbers. Jeff rode his bike to see about getting a float. With this beach behind us we thought it would be nice to have a float. He got one but the sun didn't really come out. We took out one kayak and the float. Jeff was going to do some snorkeling. I watched.

Friday December 11-Wow!...We got sunshine again and its going to be a wonderful day. We decided to take advantage of the weather and get the kayaks out. The sun was out, the water was clear and the wind wasn't. We packed up all the fishing stuff and headed out into deeper water to fish.

We had a good day on the water and brought some fish home to eat. After getting everything cleaned up and having lunch we went to Marathon. We had to go to the post office and get our check. It was there and 2 other checks that we tried to send to our bank was there too, but no place here will cash them. Well we decided to get the bank app on my phone where you can deposit the checks using a phone or tablet. Both of us weren't too sure about it but when it worked we were really happy. Those checks were about to be out dated.  Then I received a phone call from my niece saying they put my sister in a facility. That kind of ruined my day. She has been living with her daughter and I knew it was going to happen but not this soon. At least the family is happy with the place and my sister seems to be adjusting well.

Saturday December 12-One of the cool things about this place is you can watch the sun set and the sun rise on the same beach...both are always something to see. With the fun we had yesterday fishing out of the boats we wanted to get back out today, but the wind was too much. We tried going out but both of us knew it wasn't going to be good. Well since it was windy we decided to take the hike inside the park instead. It was called the Golden Orb Trail. It was a real nice hike, only a little over a mile. With all the rain some of it was flooded over.

After our walk we spent some time on the beach. The wind never did stop but at least it kept you cool on the beach.

We also heard from our oldest son, they are at a hockey tournament in Wisconsin. Ashton's team won the first game 7-2, the second game they lost in a close one 2-1. Will have to wait to see who they play tomorrow. It was another great sunset.

 Sunday December 13-Cloudy to start again. We went to get some shrimp and headed to the bridge to do some fishing. As soon as we got there it started raining. It didn't last long though. It was good weather to fish but I didn't do any good. Jeff got a couple grunts, I got a tiny fish.

We came back and tried to sit on the beach but it clouded back up with a little rain. Well Ashton's team won there game and are playing in the championship game. Again a real close game they got beat in OT. Still my favorite hockey player.

Monday December 14- Wasn't sure what we were doing today, and then I got a text from Mark the camp host at Curry Hammock. He invited us to join him on the bridge to fish. We went to get some shrimp and joined him. he brought another guy and we got busy. I couldn't believe it....I caught the first fish and to me it was big. It was a yellow jack. I finally caught one!

Mark didn't let me celebrate very long before he caught one bigger than mine. Jeff got one too. But the big winner was the new guy. He caught this monster right before we left. The good news is we brought home a lot of fish to put in the freezer. We spent the afternoon on the beach. Then we joined Don and Rosie Jorgenson for a happy hour watching the sunset. We actually met them last year at St. Andrews State Park. Now they are full time rving. We had to compare adventures.

Tuesday December 15-Wanted to get back out on the water. The weather forecast looked good.
We watched the sun come up and the wind started picking up too. We decided to give it a go, it was really rough and after hanging out there a while we came back in. I almost felt seasick. I didn't even get any pictures because I was afraid of dropping it. Didn't do much the rest of the day. We did watch a snowy egret catch a mouse in the grass right behind our camper. It was something to watch. He was in the water and you could tell he was going to do something. He was focused and then BAM he got it. He took it to the water and drowned it before eating it. Something to see.

The sunset tonight was extra nice. We cant believe that our time here is coming to an end so fast. We both love it here and want to try to get back next year. We even had a lot of bad weather but both of us decided that even with all the rain the view we had was priceless.
 Wednesday December 16-The sunrise was another master piece. We went in to town to get the truck filled up. Came back and started putting some stuff away. We have a lot of stuff out and thought we better get a start on it. The one bad thing about this place is the sand, its everywhere. We tried to de-sand everything before putting it away. Spent some time on the beach with coffee. Its nice to be able to just walk behind your rig to the beach. You don't have to pack up stuff to take to the beach, its right there if you need anything. You really don't have to leave the park, so much to do and enjoy right here. One of the things are the birds. They are everywhere and so fun to watch. They are really at home in the park and your camp sites.

Don and Rosie stopped by this evening to say good bye, they are taking off tomorrow. So we had another nice visit with them.

Thursday December 17- Our last day here. We both are sad to leave. The time had just flew by. We still had a lot of stuff to pack up. We tried to get it done early because its been so hot. They are way above the normal temperatures. Jeff took me to town to look around at a few shops. It was really hot. We came back and went over our route for tomorrow. The weather looks good for traveling. Made sure to watch the sun set one last time.

Good bye Long Key, what a wonderful place to spend a couple weeks. Hopefully we will be back.